Saturday 14 May 2022


Anonymous: Tobe please hide my identity because this thing happened real. Sometime last month two girls visited my house but no one was around. They later told me on phone. End of the same month, a girl visited me and beginning of this month also, a girl visited me. I am calling only girls because it concerns them not that boys did not visit. Then last week, I did serious washing, I virtually washed all my clothes and after that, I prepared to visit a friend. When I was going out, I went and told my uncle’s family that I did washing and I wish to go out, incase it starts raining they should help me with the clothes for my people were not around. They accepted and I left. It rained heavily and they forgot my clothes outside and rain dealt seriously with them. I had to rewash them when I got home. They sincerely apologized for that and I accepted it because anyone can forget. Last week, another girl visited, when I was escorting her, we met the wife of that my uncle and we exchanged greetings.  Continue Reading..........

When I came home that night, I went to their house as I normally do. As we were discussing, the woman stole the show and all of us were listening. She called me and started a history. On 7th April, two girls visited you but no one was at home. I saw them. On 28 of the same April another girl visited you, you think I did not see her? On 3rd May, another girl visited you. I also saw her. And today again, another one visited you. You do not know that I see everything going on in that your house? I wonder why your parents do not caution you on how you bring girls to your house. Mind you, pregnancy is real, sexually transmitted infections are real. Nothing happens in your house and we do not know, so mind how girls visit you. 

I was confused but I got answer immediately. I asked her, you mean you see everything that happens in our house? And she answered immediately “yes of course.” Then I asked her again, why did you not see that my clothes were outside when it was raining last week or your eyes can only see girls? She could not answer immediately. I asked her again, you said you see everything that happens in our house, why don’t you see all the boys that do visit me or your eyes are set to see only girls? You see everything that happens in our house but your eyes could not see that I stay with those girls in the sitting room with my family. She has not answered me till now. This woman has been monitoring me as if I am a Rev Fr or even a seminarian ooo. Did I tell her that I want to enter seminary or that I will not marry. Tobe ụwa dị egwu.

Tobe Eze: Hahahhaha. Chimooooo (name) you never see something, you do not know that people of this age are now interested only in content of gossip and not content of help? She only see the ones she wants to see and not what actually happens in your house. You should just bear in mind that all your movements are being watched by people not to help you or to appreciate your efforts but to find materials for gossip. I can’t even stop laughing nna ooo. This thing pained you like man ooo. 

I have also had so many similar experiences, it is not funny at all Nnam. She watches everything that goes on in your house and she could not notice that your clothes were outside to help you when it was raining, that is just to show you the level people are operating. You even told them about the clothes and none of them remembered it and she was able to remember all the dates which you yourself have forgotten. Ndi mmadu dị kwa ike.  

My Conclusion: If your outlook on people are just to get materials for gossip, you are not a Christian and even pagans are better than you for they help each other.

If the reason you ask people questions about their lives especially private lives is to gather arsenals for gossip, then you are not a Christian, you are first son or daughter of the devil.

If you pay attention to every discussion not to contribute positively but to get gist that you will add condiments when you go about gossipping, you are not a Christian and I advise you to stay away from anything called Christian if you refuse to change.

If you cram dates and times for gossip sake and you cannot cram even Matthew 7:7, then give out your Bible because you are not a Christian.

If you can spend hours to gossip about others but you cannot spend seconds to pray for others, just beat your chest and tell God that you need his help. Remember you are not a Christian.

If your mouth cannot close whenever you see something or hear something, kneel down wherever you are now and ask God to heal you for you are very sick and someone with COVID-19 is better than you. And don’t forget that you are not a Christian.

If your mind is so corrupt that once you see a boy and a girl, you conclude that they have had sex, rush and get the closest Bible to you and read Psalm 51 and ask God to wash you because you are ruined. And bear in mind that you are not a Christian.

If only you can see elements of sin and evil from people and no atom of positivity. Rush to any spiritual director now and seek for serious help. Your are spiritually dead and also not a Christian.

If after reading this and you do not have a change of heart. Then I am tired and I leave you with the just judge to decide (God). Never forget that you are not a Christian.

If I am guilty of any of this, I should seek baptism of my heart for I am not even a Christian.

Anonymous: Tobe Eze I am proud of you, so, you have just written something on this thing that I told you now. You said it all, the thing touched me also and I promise to change. I will be happy seeing this in your blog.

Tobe Eze: Daalụ Nnam. I also talk to myself each time I write. We pray for better life and tomorrow. Of course I will post it on Saturday. Weekend diet. But wait ooooo

You said you are not a priest or seminarian and you don’t wish to become and this woman has been monitoring you. Please what do you mean? Does it mean priests and seminarians should be monitored and not helped? Nwoke, no one should be monitored, everyone should be helped and not monitored biko.

Happy Weekend


  1. Interested. Dalu nwanne M

  2. It's the kind of people I like to call slow poisons. Nonsense! And such people can ruin people for life. Thank God you said it ooo
    A little approach can help out however small. And an attitude towards the approach matter. A rebellious approach is so self reducing.
    I like this write up oo. Everyone should be careful with one another. Tomorrow is always pregnant Biko.
