Saturday 7 May 2022



Chidi: Tobe Eze, so because of your Easter break, you have stopped giving us weekend diets?

Tobe Eze: You would not understand dear. Enjoyment karịrị and I could not help it. Don’t worry, I will be back soon. For all those who waited for me these past two weeks, biko do not be offended, I just decided to enjoy my Easter break and nothing more.

We all are aware of the fact that no one knows tomorrow. Even the so called seers cannot holistically tell what tomorrow holds. If this fact cannot be disputed, then we have to live our lives as those who do not know what tomorrow holds for us. We should try always to live a life that will make our tomorrow better and a life that would not make us regret our tomorrow when it becomes today. I so much support this fact that we should do good because of the unknown nature of tomorrow and I will continue to keep it. But if we take this to our human relationship, then I may try to go beyond being good because of the unknown nature of tomorrow. Continue Reading............

If only we are good to our neighbours because they may turn to be our helpers tomorrow, then I have a fault to point out. What if they do not make it as we expected? What if they forget us when that tomorrow comes? If only we maintain social justice and leaving out mercy entirely because it will favour us (selfish us) and not that it is good to do so, I will still find a fault. What if another person insists on that social justice when you need mercy tomorrow? No one is saying that we should compromise justice but we should just temper justice with mercy. If we do good to only those who will in turn pay us back when that tomorrow comes, we are just to go and read what Jesus said about those people (“If you are good to only those who are good to you, what difference have you made?” Luke 6:33)

It is this wrong conception of echi dị ime that is making so many of us to form selfish groups in our society and we see this giving birth to only the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer. What charity can we see in a billionaire trying to help people boost their wealth by giving 10 million each to those who have businesses and offices that worthy millions? Does it mean he is ignorant of many poor promising young people who are around him that he could help? The billionaire is not doing charity but building people who will pay him back. Do charity to those that will not pay you back, that will benefit you more in heaven (Luke 6:34). Let the ime echi dị be a surprise to you and not you determining what the echi will give birth to.

It is almost common now in our society that the rich marries the rich and the poor marries the poor. Funniest thing is that even some poor girls are now insisting on marrying rich men making some men to do the undoable in order to make money. Topic for another day. I do not know if it is written anywhere that it will be a sin against richness if a rich man or lady marries a poor lady or man. This trend has made it so difficult that even when rich people fall in love with poor people, classism will separate the love. That he or she is not my class and my parents would not be happy to welcome him or her will kill the love that may be the happiest thing you would have enjoyed. We marry because we would like that when we have financial need tomorrow, our ọgọ will be able to shower us with financial solutions. We marry because of what we will gain physically and not because of the sacredness of marriage and the companionship God destined for it. We do not consider happiness, joy, peace of mind and even liberating (mind you, do not marry out of pity for it is a lifetime project) others who are poor through our in-law relationship. That tomorrow that is pregnant should deliver as God wills and not as we want.

It is common in Africa that people do not do unconditional charity, every charity done in Africa is conditional. Even if it is not physical condition, spiritual conditions will be attached. The reason so many train some people in schools, businesses, works etc is to have them back to help them tomorrow when they will be in need. Some actually do that not in view for physical tomorrow but they do it for God to bless them more because the measure you give is the measure you will receive (Luke 6:38). Also that blessed are the hands that give than the hands that receive (Acts 20:35). It is not a sin to do any of these but we should not put them as conditions for us to be good.

We should know that God created us out of his love and not because he needs us. He gave us his life out of his love for us and not because he needs us for him to be God. In the same way, we should do good things because they are good and not because we shall reap from them. If we can love because love is good and not because we we want love in return, the problem of betrayal will reduce. If we can do charity because it is good and not because we expect charity in return, the trouble of disappointment will go down. If we give without charge, the wahala of measuring the input and output will diminish. If we do good because it is good and not because we want something in return, the number of our bet that will cut will be minimal. Let love leads and let us be kind for it is good to be kind and not because echi dị ime. Tomorrow is actually pregnant but if we are making sincere efforts to be good and do good, we will not be so much afraid of what it will give birth to. Thanks and Happy Weekend.


  1. Nice one semi Danhill

  2. Beautiful grow in God's grace I pray

  3. I pray we all learn from this nice piece of write up, not just for the sake of reading.
