Saturday 28 May 2022



I am just remembering vividly when we were small, most times along every road in our different villages you would be seeing articles or items belonging to people hanging on trees, sticks etc so that the owners would easily see them while passing. We normally see, keys, books, purses, handbags, wallets, money and so many others. It was very easy then to locate your lost items ones you could remember the road that you took. Again, I can also remember when one of my childhood friends and first among us to have cellphone lost it. The person that picked the phone was calling contacts he found in the phone and I was the person he called and told us where we should come to collect the phone. Again I can remember also how we helped a family that had funeral of their father back then that their cow broke the rope that was tiring it on the tree to recover the cow free of charge and they were very grateful. If I continue with the list, it will be innumerable. Let me go straight to the point I am trying to arrive at but before then, let us look also at this little throwback. Continue Reading......

Those days that I am referring to, we had several pagans and many pagan rituals then. Christians were not as much as they are today. Of course they were still greater in number but not as we have today. Coming to my own community that had only the Catholic church and all Christians then were Catholics. Now there are too many persons who are Catholics and other churches are now erupting from every corner in my village. The funny thing about this increase in the religion that is the best is coming with increase in evils. Does it mean Christianity is destroying us instead of making us better? Not at all, we are the ones destroying Christianity and God is ashamed of us. These days, lost items cannot be found along roads, unless valueless ones. People do not call people to come and collect phones that they pick. Even those that will call, will bill the owner and if the owner does not fulfill it, then the phone will be lost forever. I cannot committ the fallacy of over generalisation, there are still good persons that still do good even more than those years that I am referring to but they are very minimal compared the the number of Christians we have.

Many people who are entrusted with public funds are now enriching themselves and their families with public funds and they are still Christians. Shouting the loudest Alleluia in the church. They eat electricity money, water money, security money, hospital money, development money and even burial and funeral money and they will never account for them. Ndi ụka daalụ ooooooo.

A woman was sent to go and buy food and its condiments for the August meeting of ndị nne in a certain Parish. This particular woman is a member of Blue Army, Legion of Mary, Precious Blood and a church warden. One of the executives of CWO ranging from zone to the parish level. She was given ₦500,000. She went with few persons she selected for the work. She superheaded all the buyings and accounted for everything. After every purchase, CWO was owing her another ₦70,000. All the members were not comfortable and they decided to investigate everything that she bought and at last, it was proven that she spent only but ₦380,000. She had stolen ₦120,000 from the money and she was not satisfied with it and went ahead to add another ₦70,000 so that it will be ₦190,000. What an insatiable human being. Something that she was expected to do as a sacrifice turned to be business for her. She wanted to cash out. Last last, the ₦120,000 was recovered and she was also suspended from every office she was holding. This is just the one that we know because of its obvious nature, what of others that we do not know. All these are done by African Transitional Religionists abi or ndị Muslim? Ndị otiti dịrị Jeso Daalụ noooo

I can remember when one of my uncles was my village provost. He was in charge of every buying in the village. After each buying, he would call me to come and help him account for everything for his children were no longer in the village. Whenever I was helping him, he would always lament, Tobe kama ego ọha ga aba n’ egom, ka nkem banye n’ nke ọha. Instead of the village money entering my pocket, let my money enter the village purse. This was the principle that was guiding public officers then but these days, the reverse is now the case. Before people serve the community, they will first of all check how much that would come out of the work and not from a right way but stolen. Public money is public money and we should stop this stupid settling we do to ourselves. No matter the name we try to give it, we are stealing and no two ways about it. If we call it settling or whatever, we are thieves. A brother or sister or friend will ask you for just a help to buy something and you must take something from it, you would not tell the person the actual price, if the person wants to appreciate your help, fine, if not you go, your heavenly Father will reward you abundantly or better still, you request from the person if necessary than stealing. It is still a sin and will continue to be a sin.

Let us go back to our original culture and traditions. Our culture of sacrificing because of the common good of the community. Our tradition of picking lost items and making them available to the owners. Let us pick up our heritage of being accountable to our society. Let us keep our patrimony of helping without charge. Let us inherit our inheritance of giving accurate account of our stewardship. Let us posses our possession of being sincere always especially in things that concern public property. Let us be accurate and calculative in keeping our culture of being good and even the best in the society. We are shouting that the church is fighting our culture (which is lie) but we have sold the most important things we got from our forefathers. The Labours of our Heroes are now being in vain. Let us not allow this to happen because we are destroying ourselves and everything around us. Daalụ and Happy Weekend.


  1. Truly , the labour of our past heroes are being in vain
    Nice one

  2. This is awesome, keep it up
