Saturday 26 November 2022



It all started the night I went to my Classmate’s lodge to write assignment. I saw this fine guy in the lodge, for Christ sake everything I need in a man is in him. So tall, handsome, soft spoken, gentle, nice dressing and so on. I asked my friend about the boy and she  told me, Samuel! That shying guy. I fell in love more on hearing that he is even a shy type. After the whole night activities, we went to bed but I could not sleep because of the thought of the shying Samuel. In the morning, as God may have it, I was greeted with the face of Samuel when I went out to brush my teeth. What a smiling handsome guy. Good Morning Samuel! Very surprised that a strange girl knew his name. As a shy type, he just answered, Good Morning! He tried leaving and I called him back, asked him why he did not care to ask me how I got to know his name. He smiled (what a sweet face smiling to me this morning. This is really the day the Lord has made and I am happy and glad) and said, I was really surprised but did not feel like asking. I quickly asked him, are you a shy type? He retorted, No! But it is written all over you, I answered. He continued with his sweet smiles which I was enjoying. That was how morning discussion with this angel in a man started. After the discussion, I happily went in and told my friend everything. She laughed at me and told me not to mind Samuel, that he would fall my hand. I told her that I would try my best first before giving up. Continue Reading............

Saturday 19 November 2022



This guy met me after Sunday Mass on that fateful day two years ago. He sounded so cold that I had pity on him and tried to inquire more of his problems. He told me several stories that touched me and I decided to help him. The most touching one is how he lost his family. Telling the story of how he lost his family members may take space so I wouldn’t go into that, I will concentrate on my encounter with him. Just know that he lost his family members through fire outbreak. Continue Reading.......

Saturday 5 November 2022



You see funny things about life, all these children of end time are now happy because I faced parents and elder brothers and sisters. Just know it that the story did not end there, another person has also come out with another story. We must have to listen to the two in order to get the judgment right.

Tobe Eze, I would not say that you are wrong but you still have to hear another side of the story for you to strike a balance. Judging from what you were presented with, you are very much right but I need to present another story for you so that you will take the final decision.

Tobe Eze, sincerely speaking, it was after one year of our father’s death that we realised how good that man was. We never knew that he was the best Father anyone could have on earth till after one year he left us. We made so many mistakes and he was not there again to help us solve them as he was doing and we were misunderstanding him. My father was a type that talks for a very long time. We are three in the family, two boys and a girl. The girl came last. We were born into a house where the fact that each time you commit something that he did not see as something very wonderful, he must call you at night to advise you. Each time my father called any of us, he would take serious time talking to you about the thing you have done and he would tell you the implications of what you have done, consequences of what you have done, and the things that may come out even unconsciously from them. Continue Reading......