Saturday 26 November 2022



It all started the night I went to my Classmate’s lodge to write assignment. I saw this fine guy in the lodge, for Christ sake everything I need in a man is in him. So tall, handsome, soft spoken, gentle, nice dressing and so on. I asked my friend about the boy and she  told me, Samuel! That shying guy. I fell in love more on hearing that he is even a shy type. After the whole night activities, we went to bed but I could not sleep because of the thought of the shying Samuel. In the morning, as God may have it, I was greeted with the face of Samuel when I went out to brush my teeth. What a smiling handsome guy. Good Morning Samuel! Very surprised that a strange girl knew his name. As a shy type, he just answered, Good Morning! He tried leaving and I called him back, asked him why he did not care to ask me how I got to know his name. He smiled (what a sweet face smiling to me this morning. This is really the day the Lord has made and I am happy and glad) and said, I was really surprised but did not feel like asking. I quickly asked him, are you a shy type? He retorted, No! But it is written all over you, I answered. He continued with his sweet smiles which I was enjoying. That was how morning discussion with this angel in a man started. After the discussion, I happily went in and told my friend everything. She laughed at me and told me not to mind Samuel, that he would fall my hand. I told her that I would try my best first before giving up. Continue Reading............

My next visit to my friend and subsequent ones were not actually to see my friend but to see the smiling and shying Samuel. Again we met. Good evening Samuel! Good evening Beautiful! Surprisely I do not know your name but you know mine, said Samuel. I quickly told him Ifunanya, at least the first thing he is requesting from me. We exchanged long greetings and left to our different destinations. I did not want to look so cheap before him, so I was only giving him green lights so that he would follow. My only trouble was my friend Jane who was continually telling me that he would not notice the green light. At night, we all came outside to discuss as they normally do in their lodge. Samuel was at a corner pressing his phone. He was not contributing, he was only smiling and also laughing to the discussions and probably to his phone. I did not know how best I could meet him there to initiate a discussion. A thought came to me and I asked my friend for his Facebook username. She told me and I immediately sent him friend request. I did not even wait for him to accept the friend request and I chatted him. He replied immediately and also accepted my friend request.

We started a chat and I joined the group of smiling and laughing club in the discussion outside. I asked him why he was not saying anything at all. He told me he did not know what to say. He said that he is not always a talking type but he is a wonderful listening type. I laughed and my heart was burning more for him. The rest of the night discussion was spent with him online, though I was the one intiating every discussion. There was nothing I did not ask him that night. I asked him about his family, his upbringing, primary school life, secondary school life and his university life. I even could not control myself and I asked him about his love life. One thing spectacular about Samuel is his sincerity. He answered me everything I asked him in all sincerity (though I did not trust his answers then, but I have confirmed all of them now). God knows that I spent more time in the questions about his love life. I was surprised to hear that shying Samuel had had 3 different love experiences. Deep within me, I was not happy knowing that he was in love with another girl. But there was a glimpse of hope because he complained about the girl not understanding him. His upbringing affected his social life and the girl was forcing him to change it without any chance of gradual process.

From Facebook, we exchanged contacts. From blue App to green App. Surprisely and happily, the love started growing and growing very strong. We started seeing each other in school, going for outings. Samuel was in final year and I was in 2nd year, two years gap. As his days in the university was drawing to a close, I was feeling the agony and sorrow. One faithful Sunday, we went for outing. It may surprise you to know that shying Samuel takes alcohol and I do also. When we reached the place of separation, I could not hold it any longer and I kissed Samuel. I expected a negative reaction from Samuel but his reaction showed me that everyone likes better thing (who no like better thing? Samuel likes better thing). We departed and I felt like being in heaven that day. Samuel graduated and was about leaving the school. We went for last outing. I prayed heaven and earth for that date never to come to a close but that prayer was never answered. When it actually doned on us that there must be temporal separation, we felt like the end of the world was there. Meanwhile, he had already prolonged his stay after his final exams just because of me. I was expecting Samuel to tell me to come and sleep over with him but to my greatest surprise and worry, Samuel kissed me and left. Very early in the morning, I went to his lodge only to nice that he left too early. Life seemed to have ended but social media got us hope. We continued on social media and calls and of course regular visits till he went for NYSC. He was posted to Sokoto which is very far from me and he told me he would stay till the end before coming back. That one year was like a decade. Our only hope was phone.

A day before he left for service, he visited me, I was also expecting him to tell me that we would lodge overnight in a hostel but Samuel returned home that day leaving me with a kiss. Some of my friends had told me that Samuel must have been cheating on me. How could a man of his age in this contemporary world having a beautiful girl like me and never for a day talked about sex. Or that he is not man enough, that maybe his manhood is not functional. Or even he may be a Homosexual. I have been close to him and have known him that all these are not true. To cut the story short, Samuel finished his service, I graduated, and went for my own service. I got a job before Samuel but he also latter got a job. I am now inviting you to our wedding and traditional marriage this Christmas season.

Just know it that, it is not a sin for a lady to express her feelings to a man. It is not a sin to be in a healthy relationship. It is not out of place to be in a relationship without sex. Every relationship must not end in sex. School relationship can transcend to marriage. Love wisely in school. When a man has no control of his emotions, his luck and destiny may suffer it. When a woman has beauty without brain. She will always pay with sex and happy future will be set at the edge. Handsome guys can still be holy. Beautiful girls can still be saints.

Happy Weekend 



  1. Beautiful story. Embodied with alot of teachings. More grace my brother

  2. Nice teaching

  3. Oshe ooo. This is really beautiful. Jesus. This lady really had guts😍😍
    I hope it's reality. But I must say that she was lucky. Some guys see it more as a disturbance than a show of love👌
    I like this ☺️
