Friday 9 December 2022


I was waiting for okada or keke one day just last two years Christmas season. A Lexus jeep stopped and my name was called in a gentle way from the car. Loo and behold, it was my ex. Nnamdi is now a rich guy ooo. We exchanged pleasantries, he opted to give me a free ride which I did not waste time to accept. It was really a long discussion because he actually took me to my destination. We exchanged contacts for we had already lost contacts. Nnamdi was my secondary school boyfriend, he loved me with everything in him and I loved him also. After his secondary school, he could not further in the university, he went for Boi (apprenticeship). When I finished secondary school three years after him, I entered university. Because of the Boi (apprenticeship) issue, I could not reach him again, then in my university days, in my year two, I meet Nelson and we ended up marrying ourselves. Continue Reading.......

Nelson is not all that rich, we are just living an average family life. He is really a loving, caring, kind hard working and sweet husband. I love him with all my heart. He loves me also and does everything to make me happy. The only challenge we have is with being rich but God has been faithful. He is a civil servant and I am selling food stuffs.

I got connected to Nnamdi again, I was telling my husband every bit of my discussion with Nnamdi. He was not against it, he was only telling me to be careful not to make a costly mistake. He again warned that I should not take our family challenges outside our home especially to my ex. I accepted all he said. Nnamdi one day requested for my account number to show me small love. I sent it and it did not reach 5 minutes and I got an alert of #500,000. I could not understand anything, I called him to know if it was a mistake or something else, he only told me to use it and help my family. My joy knew no bound, I immediately called my husband and informed him. I sent his number to my husband and he called him to thank him. He just told us to pray for him to make more money, that he will change our situation in no distant time. 

I told my friend Ruth about this. She was mad at me and told me that I was on the verge of destroying my sweet home. She said everything bad about ndị ex. He did not say anything good about them both male and female among them. My head was full and I did not know what to do. When I got home, I told my husband what my friend told me about Nnamdi and his generosity, my darling Nelson also confirmed it but ended up by telling me that he cannot rule out the fact that there can still be good ones. I should pray and follow Nnamdi with care for we cannot conclude yet. He only advised that I should be very careful and make sure that I do not request for anything from Nnamdi.

Nnamdi kept on being good to us, doing everything possible to bring us to a greater level. I now have a big shop and the credit goes to his help to us. My husband and myself became skeptical because it was as if it was getting to much. Christmas last year, we had a meeting with him. My husband openly asked him what his motive could be. He laughed and told us that his motive was only to help us. Even the ant passing could see from our faces that we did not believe him. Then he decided to explain everything to us. He told my husband that he is a happy and fulfilled man. He went back to history and told us. Gloria, what we did back then in the secondary school was the perfect way of dating, I may be wrong but this is how I see it. Back then, I would get you fruits while coming to school and you would get me food from your house (which is very close to our school) for our prep. I was teaching you all that I knew to give you a bright future which I am happy that you have it now. Sincerely speaking, I have dated other girls but you remain the best, not that I wish to have you but considering how good and essential love you gave me. This is just my way of paying you back. The #500,000 that I sent did not come from me directly. I registered one thing like that in a charity organisation when I was still serving my master. When the money materialised, I saw that you needed it more than I do and I decided to give it to you. The only ones coming from me directly are others. I do not have any bad intention for being good to you. I want to prove to the world that exs can still help their exs and not always ruining their lives. There can still be good exs in the world. But just know that all these are because of the way you treated me. Foundation of love really built on love is the best and not the ones built on immoralities.

My sweet Nelson could not say anything again, I did not know when tears started coming out and was running like a shower. I never knew that those little food help I was rendering to Nnamdi would fetch us this greatness today. So, good exs still exist? Please, I do not know what is happening in our secondary schools these days but all I know is that helping each other to have a wonderful future should be the only love in the secondary school and not offering yourselves to each other in an immortal outings. If you have food, you help with it as I helped him. If you have intelligence, help with it as he helped me with it and so on. Nnamdi, God bless you (and everyone who is like Nnamdi outside there).

It may interest you to know that Nelson and I would be visiting his own ex this Christmas to show her our own love. If you have received love, please share love and with that, we shall change the face of the earth. Thanks and Happy Weekend.

Okwa fiction.


  1. This world is really a small place.
    The moral I learnt is: if I'm to cut out anyone from my life or to have a dispute. Such should be done peacefully.
    So that later in life, you could still call each other friends ☺️
    Another beautiful piece.
    Semi, more grace 🤲🤲🤲🤲
    Thank you
    Adanna 🤭

  2. Interesting but not all the ex would remembered u in a good way o
