Thursday 15 February 2018


  •                MY QUOTES FOR THE WEEK.  
  •      Fear is important, for suicide is different from martyrdom. Tobe Eze.
  • 2.       Looking is different from seeing, see before you place conclusion. Tobe Eze.
  • 3.       Fat body is never fat courage. Tobe Eze.
  • 4.       Before you deny one meat, check if he has teeth, for you may be doing him good in the name of evil. Tobe Eze.
  • 5.       The Lord is good is more effective when you are in the company of good people. Tobe Eze.
  • 6.       When you see a beautiful lady both in character and stature, you will know that nature can create. Tobe Eze.
  • 7.       It is not all that good to marry an ugly man but more dangerous to marry a handsome man. Tobe Eze.
  • 8.       Misinterpretation can kill, understand before interpreting. Tobe Eze.
  • 9.       Men are jealous but women live it as their lives. Tobe Eze.
  • 10.   One minute is too small but does a mighty thing. Tobe Eze.

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