Saturday 14 January 2017

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A By Tobe Eze

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 49:3, 5—6
1 Corinthians 1:1—3
John 1:29—34
After looking at the world of today, this question will come to my mind. CAN HIS GLORY BE REVEALED IN THE WORLD AGAIN?  Luke Ezeji in one of his songs said Ụwa agworụwo ka mmiri. The world has turn to another thing all together. Ụwa Chukwu kere chọọ ya mma. A world that God made so beautiful. Isaiah in the first reading said. “The LORD said to me: You are my servant, Israel, through whom I show my glory”. Who is the Lord going to say again to, l will show my glory through you?  When everything is turning to the negative side. Ọbụ onye ka aga agakwuru? In the second reading, Paul was called by the will of God. Who else will the will of God call? In the Gospel the glory was revealed through John who said “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”.  Who can the true spirit talk to us through? We have many men and women of God everywhere now. Who is the one God is using? Ngwere nile makpu amakpu, anyị amaghị nke afọ n’ arụ. Mechanics are now making it difficult for us to know mad men. But the truth remains that if we are sincere to God and ourselves, we still know the truth. I think I once saw in the Bible where it is written, Give without charge for you received without charge (Matthew 10:8). All these people claiming they are revealing the glory of God, and are more conscious of their pockets more than salvation of souls, are they still the ones God is using to show his glory? Did they receive without charge? Ike gwuru.  We that troop to them know the truth but are hiding in the shadow of magic done in the name if miracle. Continue Reading

But this should be at the back of our minds our God is a God of miracle not God of magic. When a murderer goes to the so called men and women of God they will tell him/her that your enemies are at war. When we stand on the heads of our neighbours and go to them they will tell us that our enemies are standing in our heads. Who is deceiving who? Ọkụ gbajie aka ji Ngọzị mụ ka oke nke mụ ruo mụ aka. When that fire comes, I promise you, it will start from us. We are holding our blessings, so when the fire that will break the hand holding the blessings comes it will break our own hands. The time is still there for us to come back. Echi etekaa tomorrow is too far. Onye matara taa matara n' oge. Let us not wait till tomorrow but today. Let us allow the glory of God to be revealed through us by doing every possible good and avoiding every possible evil. On the day of our baptism we said, we have rejected Satan and everything about it. Let us really reject them. God’s glory comes through truth. The kind of insincerity in our communities these days, mouth cannot tell the story. Let us bring sincerity back. This is the number one place where his glory can be revealed in us. Jesus said to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me. John 14:6. Jesus is the truth and we can only see the father through him. So, we can only attain heaven through the truth. Ka anyị kwubenu Eziokwu. Truth is life, eziokwu bụ Ndụ. All these men and women of God or even Brothers and Sisters are just deceiving us with lies. Ha abụghị ndị Eziokwu. They are just liars. The devil is using them not God. 1 Peter 5:8 Keep sober and be alert for your enemy the devil is on a prowl like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Stand up to him strong in faith. They are the devil Bible talk about be warned. The glory can be revealed through you and I. Let us stand up in Faith. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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