Thursday 12 January 2017

Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord. By Tobe Eze

Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord.
Isaiah 60:1—6
Ephesians 3:2—3a, 5—6
Matthew 2:1—12
Our Lord Jesus Christ is a light, a light that shines out darkness. In the first reading Isaiah said “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the LORD shines, and over you appears his glory.” When the through light comes every darkness will disappear. This light do not discriminate. This light shines both to the Jews and Gentiles. When this light shines in us, there will be no darkness in us. Isaiah said that nations will walk in the light, Kings also will walk in the light. We all are called to walk in the light which is Christ. In the second reading Paul said that the revelation and the stewardship he received was for the Ephesians. The stewardship and revelation of Paul are for us who are among the Gentiles. For us to walk in that light. How can we walk in the light? How can we know the light? (Ọbụ gịnị ka anyị ga eme?) We have to learn from the Gospel. The wise men from the east saw the light and followed it. They followed it till they saw the young light in a manger with his mother. The light is ever ready to lead us but the problem is that we leave the light and follow some other things which lead to doom. (Anyị na ahupuzị ikiri anyịnya kiribe Nwaukweze.) Which is too bad. The light calls us to himself through baptism and we still leave him. He calls us through sacrament of confirmation also we leave. We have left the sacrament of reconciliation that he gave us. What else do we want from him? He gave us his body and blood but we do not recognize him there. He has done all for us. Continue Reading

A STORY: A man had a dark place where he keeps his goat. The goat has been living there for long. After sometime the man due to the love he had for the goat, decided to bring the goat to a place where there is light. He brought the goat out and placed it in a new building, built for it, but the goat went back to that dark place. He did it again and the goat went back there again. He continued to bring the goat out and the goat continued to go back to that dark room. And he did not stop. This is the kind of thing we do to our God. He continues to bring us out from misery and sin but we go back to it always. He brings us out through the sacraments but we go back to sin. Sacrament of baptism to wash away our sins, make us Christians and children of God in one faith. Confirmation to give us the Holy Spirit to make us strong in faith and become soldiers of Christ. Sacrament of reconciliation to bring us back to him through forgiveness of our sins. His body the food of the Angels he gave us to eat. He has done everything well. (Omego I’ve nile ya adị mma). Why do we still go back to darkness? Let us like the wise men from the east follow the light and salvation will be ours. The light shines forever. (Ọdịghị anyụ anyụ, ihe ya na adịgide). He is the light of the world and we the partakers of his body we are also the light of the world. Let us not go back to darkness, but embrace the light that gives life. LET US RISE AND SHINE. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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