Saturday 28 January 2017

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A By Tobe Eze

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
FIRST READING Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12—13
1 Corinthians 1:26—31
Matthew 5:1—12a
Humility is all about self control. It is only to control ourselves from seeking the earthly things more than heavenly things. The characteristic of being humble or humbleness in character and behavior is humility. Bringing yourself to the level you should be, not placing yourself where you think you should be. You may think that, this position is for you, but you don’t know it is meant for another. Please wait for it to be given to you. Nwa ewu gbuo ikpere, ọṅụọ nne ya ara.
Where is the position of humility now in our lives? Can we still get it in our lives? The first reading tells us to search for humility. Blessings reach those who are humble faster than every other person. The effects of absence of humility in our lives has caused us a lot. Many have missed fortunes because of lack of humility. Many boys have missed many opportunities in this life because of lack of humility. In our world today, what you will wish a girl and she will never forget you again is RICH HUSBAND and many of them have missed the opportunity of getting to those dreams they want them to come true. I know of a boy in my place who missed opportunity if learning a particular hand work because of pride. AFTER LOOKING AT ME, YOU THINK I CAN BRING MYSELF LOW TO THIS EXTENT. I ……………. TO BE A PLUMBER? You are joking. But what happened in the Bible repeated itself there. His position another should take. (Acts 1:20) Another person took the position immediately and is now doing well and the other is still going about in the village impregnating young girls and all types of evil acts. Also of a girl who insulted a man who came to seek for her hand in marriage, because the man was not rich. But after two years HIGH TENSION WIRE passed through the man's land and government paid him enough money which he used to start life and is now doing well with his wife but the other is still doing Agụ Aunty in the village. Many stories about this humility have been going around everywhere. We cannot tell all with the words of mouth. Continue Reading
How can we come back to it? The second reading tells us “Seek the Lord, all you, the humble of the earth, who obey his commands. Seek integrity, seek humility[B1] ”. Why should we brag? Kedu ihe anyị n’ etoru ọnụ? We are just a breath from the Lord. We are only but Bag of Sand. Anyị bụ nanị akpa aja. Seek humility for it gives everlasting happiness while all these things we brag on can only give us pleasure, and pleasure do not last but happiness lasts. The second reading was closed with if anyone wants to boast, let him boast about the Lord.” The Gospel is all about that same humility. Poor in spirit, gentle, peacemakers are only for the humble hearts. No one who has pride in him/her or who is not humble can look for peace……..etc. Life is too small, let us use this passing life and seek the everlasting one.
Uncountable blessings follow humility. The Gospel mentioned some of them for they are more than that, mentioned. Ihe dị mma si n' obi umeala, irube isi, eziomume abịa. But it demands sacrifice. God told us in Isaiah 55:1 Come, every one that thirsts, come you to the waters, and he that has no money come you, buy, and eat, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. God is calling us to come and buy without money. The word buy is there to show us that nothing comes for or from nothing. God blesses us but we have to contribute humility to it. He is not demanding much from us. Buy with what you have. For those who say “God wait till I become rich”. Adighi eche, oge ego juru ụlọ tupu efee Chukwu ofufe. Give humility and hard work, they are enough. Humility is the only necessary thing we need. It takes nothing from you when you admit your fault or say sorry. Simple sorry may solve a problem every money on earth cannot solve. It takes Humility to say it. SAY IT FOR IT IS GOOD. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY

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