Sunday 15 January 2017

The Kirikiri Sermon (A letter to all Ladies) By Amadi Brendan

The Author.
The Kirikiri Sermon (A letter to all Ladies)
From Brendan Amadi, Sunday 15th January 2017.
Her journey on the highway of life had been a long walk to perdition. She had not always been a persona non grata, as she had found herself in the recent past. (Excerpt from Akachi adimora Ezeigbo's novel "Trafficked). For those of you who spend their youthful stage meeting and sleeping from one man to another in search of money and sexual pleasure! Just know you are extremely entering into a strong covenant with the DEVIL who in partnership will captivate your destiny, blessings, success and carriers in life. Continue Reading
Look at you a young lady, On several occasions you deceive and lie to your parents in the name of traveling to seek for job (A job that lacks Identity and has no name or base), you lie in the name of friend’s wedding, Traditional marriage, programmes to Lagos, Abuja and Calabar, etc only to end up engaging in business of Harlotery. In occasions, public networks you see them in exotic wears and jewelries thinking that they came from very wealthy families not knowing that is the proceeds some of them got in Nakedness and Shameful acts. In case you do not know some of these men, politicians you pester around and sleep with are Occultic grand masters who have signed a life covenant with Lucifer and they are already sure of Hell fire (that is their only option) and they are ready to do anything to please their master Satan!
Just imagine yourself a lady engaging in sexual relationship with a man who has reached........
(1) 12th covenant in Amok kingdom occult society
(2) 6th leviathan covenant in Ogboni world (some of Nigerian politicians are here)
(3) 777 Avarice blood covenant kingdom
(4) Bloody masters of River rine kingdom.
(5) Lucifer's friends covenant world.
And many others, what will be your fate? And this way ward life among ladies have torn marriages apart. Many family are broken today because of lives lived, and under satanic control, that is why you see them running from one prayer house to another in Search of miracles and God's intervention forgetting the message of Christ in the scripture in Psalm 16:8 (Those who worship other gods multiply and increase their sorrows).In as much you live your life against Christ's will, then you are serving other gods. Model your life so that your long walk of life will not lead you to perdition as many ladies are into today! Happy Sunday!

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