Sunday 16 July 2017

Friday of Week 14 Year A By Tobe Eze

Friday of Week 14 Year A
Genesis 46:1–7, 28–30
Matthew 10:16–23
After passing through all the troubles and trails in Egypt by Joseph and the ones his father passed through in the land of Canaan, emotional trauma he passed through when he lost Joseph, they came together again in love. What a joyful moment? When Joseph was suffering in Egypt, he trusted in God and remained steadfast. He did not shake for he knew the God that he was serving.
Jesus towards the end of the gospel said that, only those who remained steadfast till the end will be crowned with the unfading crown of glory.

Steadfastness is a virtue we should embrace in life. Let us learn to continue in our trials and life challenges. Do not stop when you are tried but stop when you are done. Let us not quit without trying. Let us learn to endure till the end for there must be the best for us. The meeting of Joseph and his father was the happiest thing that happened in their lives and this was a result of steadfastness. The end that Jesus is promising us today will be the best thing for us and it will only come through steadfastness. Let us today learn to continue. Ejighi ututu ama njo ahia.

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