Sunday 16 July 2017

Monday of Week 14 Year A By Tobe Eze

Monday of Week 14 Year A
Genesis 28:10–22a
Matthew 9:18–26

Encounter with the Lord changes life and things. In the first reading, Jacob encountered the Lord and his life automatically changed, he made promises for he became a fulfilled man immediately. In the gospel, Jarius an officer in the synagogue encountered God in the life of his daughter that Christ gave back life and happiness came back to his life and life of his family. The woman who had suffered hemorrhage for twelve years got healed just that she encountered Jesus. Some of us today come to and and go without encountering him. Some of us are like the story of a goat that was always going for morning prayers. The goat always sits at the front. It will continue to stay till during communion it will go. Some of us just come and go like that goat. We come to morning masses and prayers but no impact in us. Let us today follow those who encountered Christ today and encounter him so that our lives will change from bad to good. THANKS.

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