Sunday 16 July 2017

Tuesday of Week 14 Year A St. Benedict. By Tobe Eze

Tuesday of Week 14 Year A St. Benedict.
Genesis 32:23–33
Matthew 9:32–38
Jacob in the first reading fought with the Lord and after the fight he said one important thing we Christians should always repeat each time we come to God's presence. I will never let you go unless you bless me. We have changed it in our own time to I will never come to you unless you bless me. After the fight the Lord asked him. What is your name? The Lord is asking us today, what are our names. What are our situations? Present them to the Lord so that he will make necessary changes as he did in the case of Jacob in the first reading.
In the gospel reading, Jesus saw the crowd who were like sheep without shepherd and he had pity on them. The question now is. Who are we? Are we the harvest or the labourers? Are sheep or shepherds? All of us are sheep and shepherds. As shepherds people are under us. For instance, parents their children are under them. We are also sheep for we are under people. For instance our political or religious leaders. As shepherds let us not mislead those that are under us rather let us lead them to our master Jesus. As sheep, let us listen to those who are shepherding us for the master and learn from them things that are good.
Again in the gospel Jesus asked us to pray for labourers who are to work in his vineyard. This prayer is manifested today in the life of St. Benedict of Nursia whom the Lord used in establishing monasteries and leading people to the way of eternal life, love and peace.

Let us today ask St. Benedict to intercede for us as the harvests and also labourers of the Lord.

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