Sunday 16 July 2017

Wednesday of Week 14 Year A By Tobe Eze

Wednesday of Week 14 Year A
Genesis 41:55–57; 42:5–7a, 17–24a
Matthew 10:1–7
Joseph’s brothers were regretting the bad thing they did to their brother Joseph without knowing that God was just using them to fulfill the plan of saving them from the famine that befell them. God work through the imperfect thing done to Joseph.
In the gospel Jesus himself called again imperfect men to carry out perfect work. He called tax collector whom the Pharisees regard as the worst set of people. Jesus called trouble makers and peace makers. He called the imperfect to perfect them.
God wants us to make a change whenever he wants to use us. Joseph’s brothers had a change of heart when they realized what they have done. They regretted the act and abandoned it. The apostles Jesus called in the gospel also abandoned their different ways of lives and embraced the new life of Christ.

Let us today learn to abandon our old way of living that does not please God like Joseph’s brothers and the twelve apostles that Jesus called. Let us remember that akwuro otu ebe ekiri mmanwu. Let us like the eagle that was living among chicken since its lifetime left there when it realized that, that place does not fit its kind. Sin does not fit us. Let us leave the way of sin and embrace the way of life.

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