Saturday 20 January 2018

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. 

1 Samuel 3:3b—10, 19
1 Corinthians 6:13c—15a, 17—20
John 1:35—42
A certain woman went to a certain priest and explained to him about his spiritual dryness, after admonitions and prayers, the priest advised the woman try to listen to God while praying not always expecting God to listen. He told her to listen to God to hear from him, the priest gave her example with today’s first reading. The woman went inside the chapel stayed from morning till night waiting for the Lord to call her just like Samuel. She stayed there till the Fada's boy came to lock the chapel. She refused going that she must hear from God before going. Another man who had never agreed that the Lord has ever done anything good for him. He was advised by a priest to see God and his goodness to him in his life. The man asked the priest how? And he used today’s Gospel reading as an example to him. The man went home, he went and sat beside one Mr. John in his town who was a drunkard waiting for him to tell him, behold the Lamb of God. continue Reading..................

God shows himself to those who serve him with all sincerity. Samuel devoted himself to the service of God with all his life and everything he had. This devotion I am talking about is not a devotion with laziness. One woman in my place joined every pious society in my parish. Everyday she must have one group of prayer she will attend. After sometimes, her shop fell beyond repay. She came to me to tell me that the God of Catholics fails, that she has been worshiping him with all she had and are but to eat is a problem to her now because of hardship. I tried to bring her back to the right path for serving God is not being lazy and stupid. Bible did not tell us that Samuel was not doing another thing, Bible told us that he was serving in the house of the Lord under Eli, and we should be away that he was running other social, human errands for his master.
The service of God here is what St. Paul tells us in today’s second reading, to preserve our lives as a temple for the Lord. To avoid all sort of sins we commit all the time. If we keep ourselves holy as expected, we are in the service of God as Samuel did. It is not to live inside the church but to live a prayerful life. Living a life of prayer will not make us to get that our beatific vision but if we live a prayerful life, that our common dream must come through.

John’s disciples saw what is greater than John and left John to go and see. We have seen, we are seeing and we will still see many things greater than our present life, how do we react to it. Samuel said Here I am Lord and John’s disciples went to see. Why not in our own lives today tell our Lord and God Here are we Lord, we have come to see. The responsorial psalm made it more clear what we do before God. Psalm 40:8a-9 Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will. The will of God which we pray always in our father should be our major aim. While doing the will of the father we should remember that calling our brothers and sisters to it is one of the wills of God we are talking about. The first disciples went, saw and stayed with the Lord and after they went in search of their brothers to come and experience the same goodness of the Lord. Let us today come before the Lord to see, listen and learn from him all his wills and try to practice them. Lastly, to call our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, friends and well-wishers and all around us.THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY

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