Sunday 21 January 2018

4th Sunday of Advent Year B. By Tobe Eze

4th Sunday of Advent Year B.
First Reading:
2Samuel 7:1-5. 8b-12. 14a. 16
Second Reading:
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
Let it be done unto me according to your words, are no more our words as Christians rather, let it be done unto me according to my mind.
In one of my pastoral experiences, I met one woman whom her daughter was seriously sick. She was praying and shouting unto God for his will to be done on her daughter’s life. When I reached the house, the daughter was doing like one who is dying. At that point the woman shouted, “God if this is your will on my daughter, please let the cup pass by, she will not drink it”. I rushed the child to nearby hospital. After recovering, I went back and asked the woman why the changing of the intention. You should have continued with the first one. She said that Jesus himself asked his father to take away the cup from him and two that she did not want her daughter to die. Our major problem sometimes is to be able to recognize and listen to God. Continue Reading................................

In the first Reading, David had the disposition to build Temple for the Lord his God. His disposition made God in the last part of the reading God promised his throne forever, his kingdom shall last forever.
That kingdom has been hidden for ages now but in our own time, it has been revealed to us as it is written in the second reading in the person of Jesus Christ.
The kingdom promised is now publicly showed in the Gospel through the message of the Angel Gabriel to Mary it is solidified through the words of our Mother Mary, “fiat mihi secundum verbum tum, let it be done unto me according to your words, Ya rere mu ka isiri kwuo”. These are words that should be on the lips of every average Christian. We pray in the Lord’s Prayer all the time, “let you will be done on earth as it in the heaven” but we do put it into practice.
This is the last Sunday of Advent this year, Christmas is now at hand, how are we prepared spiritually? I know greater percentage of us here have finished preparing for temporal things but how about our spiritual life?

The church has been preparing us since the first Sunday of Advent till today that marks the last Sunday of Advent, through the reading. The first Sunday. FIRST READING-Isaiah 63:16b—17, 19b; 64:2—7, SECOND READING-1 Corinthians 1:3—9 and GOSPEL-Mark 13:33—37 and I gave it the theme, THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE. We have to make serious move to change our bad ways of life so that Christ can come and dwell in us. Second Sunday FIRST READING-Isaiah 40:1—5, 9—11, SECOND READING-2 Peter 3:8—14 and GOSPEL-Mark 1:1—8 and I gave it the theme, MAKE THE CROOKED WAY STRAIGHT, it is not good for us to follow all those crooked ways in our lives to welcome Christ that will be born to us. Third Sunday, FIRST READING-Isaiah 61:1—2a, 10—11, SECOND READING-1 Thessalonians 5:16—24 and GOSPEL-John 1:6—8, 19—28 and gave it the theme, WHAT TYPE OF MESSAGE DO YOU CARRY? Many of us this season carry all sort of deadly messages but Christ is a message of hope to us. Today that is the last Sunday, we are only required to have THE DISPOSITION TOWARDS GOD. David had and was blessed, St. Paul expects us to have that for the glory hidden since is now revealed to us and lastly, Mary accepted all that God said to her and our Lord came through him to us. LET US TODAY HAVE DISPOSITION TOWARDS GOD so that the goodness of Christmas will reach us and others through us. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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