3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
Jonah 3:1—5, 10
Jonah 3:1—5, 10
1 Corinthians 7:29—31
1 Corinthians 7:29—31
Mark 1:14—20
Mark 1:14—20
man entered a local hotel, he asked the people serving to serve him swallow
(foo foo). They asked him the type of soup he will like to take. He threw back
question of what type of soup do they have. They mentioned all they had and he
told them to give him small ogbono, small egusi, small oha, small nsala and so on.
He was asked to choose one among all of them and he said, “I cannot leave any
of them”. Why this story? We sometimes behave like this man in many ways and
may things we do here on earth. Continue Reading.......................
The first
reading which is taken from the prophet Jonah gave us the story of how the
people of Nineveh left many things in their ways of life because of Jonah’s
prophecy. They became afraid and changed their lives immediately. We have been
hearing the word of God since our childhood but to what effect? We neither fear
God nor regard man.
second reading which is taken from the letter of St. Paul to the Church in
Corinth and the Corinth of today is us here. We should leave that our normal
way of life and adopt another which is better for there is no time to waste.
Gospel is a practical example or a blueprint or a yardstick on how to leave the
first position to embrace another. The first two were mending their nets and he
asked them to follow him and they left everything and followed him, the second
two were with their father in the same job and they left all and followed him.
You have to leave all and follow our Lord Jesus Christ in this passing world to
get the everlasting world.
certain family had only one daughter. The girl grew up with all her beauty. Her
parents loved her so much to the extent that they did not want her to leave
them to go to any far place and stay for sometimes. The love was more from the
father. To cut it short. When the girl was of age, many men came, seeking her
hand in marriage but her father will always give her reasons not to accept
them. The girl latter found a boy she loved so we in her school and brought her
home to show the parents but they were not happy about it. After considering
many things, they accepted her to get married. After everything, the father was
calling her on phone on daily bases, inviting her home on weekly bases. The
husband was not comfortable with that and complained. When they gathered for
them to resolve every problem. The man told they that the husband of his
daughter cannot take his daughter away from him. Then the boy retorted, “Are
you marring her or am I marring her? The people there told the man, you must
let go of .many things for you to enjoy your daughter in the rest of your life.
That was when he came back to his senses like a man.
We must
let go of many things in our lives to enjoy. We must let go our pleasures, our
sins and many other ways we behave that are not godly to follow Christ. The
only time we have to leave that our bad position is now, that our bad behaviors,
it is now that we have to leave them and go back to God. Those we do in our
working palace, we can leave them. Those cheatings we do in our area of
business, we can leave them, that promiscuous life we are living, we can leave
them, that lying, we can leave it, that stealing, we can leave it, that
killing, we can leave it and many other places we sin, we can leave them all.
Just like the people of Nineveh the Lord will turn to bless us instead of punishing
us, just forget how long we have been into it and adopt what St. Paul said and
we shall be saved. It is all about leaving all that are disturbing us in our
relationship with God. “If your eyes will make you to sin, pluck it out…………..(Mark
9:47)”. “What will separate us from the love of God……..(Romans 8:31-39)”. IN
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