Ezekiel 2:2-5
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Mark 6:1-6
A young man was admitted into the
seminary school. His own kinsmen started writing petitions against him so that
he will be expelled. As God made it he was not expelled. At his ordination, his
own kinsmen refused to contribute money for his car and every other things
necessary for ordination. What were their reasons? 1. How can the son of Okeke
be Fada and our own sons are not. 2. Why should we buy him a car while our own
sons have not even a wheel? 3. We know him, he is not qualified. 4. Even his
father is too poor to sponsor him, he may have been stealing to survive there.
And so many other rubbish reasons. Even after ordination, they failed to see
him as a priest but whether they did or not, they know that a priest came out
from his father’s house. He is a priest and no two ways about it. Continue Reading..............................
In the first reading, God told
Ezekiel to go and discharge his duties as a prophet that whether they accept
the message or not, they must know that a prophet existed.
In the second reading, St. Paul
said that he glories in his weakness for in it, God is glorified. Again, he had
a serious problem that he had prayed three times for God to remove it for him
but God told him that his grace is enough for him.
In the gospel, those who should
be happiest people on earth that they gave birth to a great man started
questioning his linage.
All these from the first reading
to the gospel show us that God’s ways are not our ways. The word of God works
with and without us. When we think that without us, the word of God will go
into extinction, we are just deceiving ourselves for the first reading has
shown us that. The troubles we meet sometimes in life are not to put us down
but for us to excel more but we focus on the bad side of them so much that we
do not see anything good that can come out of it. We do not listen to God to
know if we are getting the same response as Paul received. His grace is always
there for us but we do not recognize them sometime for we think that it is only
through our efforts that we will survive. We are not the ones that call people
to the vineyard of the Lord. In the gospel, they lost many things because they
thought God would have taken permission from them and show them the type of
Messiah he will send them before doing that. That you know a father whole and
entire does not mean that you know the son. They knew Jesus’ linage but they
did not know where his power came from.
We should always have at the back
of our minds that God’s ways are not our ways. God is beyond our thinking. He chooses
to work with anyone he likes and in any place and time he likes. He does not
need to take permission from us before doing his own thing in his own ways. Our
duty is to accept the will of God in our lives and act according to them. His
grace is always enough for us as he told St. Paul today so also he is telling
us. It is not our workings but he the Lord. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.
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