18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
Exodus 16:2—4, 12—15
Exodus 16:2—4, 12—15
Ephesians 4:17, 20—24
Ephesians 4:17, 20—24
John 6:24—35
John 6:24—35
We in this world are too conscious of worldly slavery and forget the
worst part of slavery which is the spiritual slavery. The three reading of
today are trying to bring to our consciousness the negative effect of the
spiritual slavery which worldly things are putting us into. These worldly things are now becoming too
detrimental to our faith and we must watch them. We do not have to complain, live our lives as
the gentiles do and not look for worldly tittles for all of them are passing
away. Continue Reading.................................
In the first reading, the people of Israel were complaining because
of ordinary stomach issue and this made them to forget the difference between
slavery and freedom. They were comparing there freedom with food they were
eating in Egypt. Food that they were
eating under untold hardship. They
forgot that nothing good comes easily.
They thought liberating them from slavery will be a magic not miracle
but their God and our God is a miracle working God not magician God.
The second reading is reminding us that we are now free men and we
should live like those who are free. We should not complain like the people of
old and seek the worldly tittles like in the gospel.
In the gospel, people were looking for Jesus as if they understood
the teaching of Christ. Jesus being God
knew their intentions, made them open and try to bring them to the right
part. They went to the extent of trying
to make him worldly King but he refused for he knew that was a part in the
worldly slavery.
These readings are touching the principal parts of our Christian living
of our time where we are going back to slavery that we have been delivered
from. We are now living the life of
miracles motivated Christians. We come to God only to take from him without
giving him the due worship he deserves.
We complain about one or two things with our Catholic faith and we
are now going back to paganism but in a new form. What we left years ago we are
now going back to it. In my own
area, masquerading that people left
years ago, young men are now going back
to it in the name of culture (omenala). Divination we left for Christianity, we
are now rushing back to them through fake prophets everywhere. Those who see tomorrow and cause confusion
Again, we are now giving tittles to evil men, helping them to grow
more in their evil ways. A person that
we know too well that he/she is trampling on the progress of people in the
community we will give him/her, Eze di ora mma 1. Omere ora 1 and so on. Sometimes,
when we are called these names, we start to blow like turkey. Honourable, Barrister, Dr. His Eminence,
Chief and so on. One person taking all
those titles and while calling him and you miss any of them, he/she will not
There was a place that I worked.
There was a man there that has four titles. If you miss any of them, he doesn’t
answer. In an occasion one day, I was
calling people to the high table, I called him Nnaanyi........... As I was calling others and he refused
answering. He told ushers that, I have not called him. That when I am ready to call him, I should
let him know. That made him not to join
those at the high table and he left angrily for I did not call him again. Some
who think God is using them to do one or two miracles now claim the glory. They will tell you that once you come to them
or they come to you, all your problems will go.
When people call them mighty names they enjoy answering them.
Because of the hardship in the world, we move from this place to the
other because of food or clothing or shelter.
They are making us slaves when Christ has redeemed us.
Jesus rejected earthly tittles for they enslave people, we should
imitate him. He also said we should seek
for food of the spirit not only food for the flesh.
No matter what we eat as slaves, we remain slaves to sin. Again, no
matter how small what we eat as free beings,
it is better to be a slave, we
are free men. Let us not look back to
our slavery but face our freeborn. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.
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