Monday 15 October 2018



Our God is a God that always cares, guards, guides, protects, defends, and provides for his people. If we go through the scriptures,  we would discover that there are many instances of God showing love to his people.  He created human beings in his own image and likeness and through that means gave man multiples of potentialities. With the help of his grace and our earnest efforts,  those potentialities given to us would lead us to happiness here and here after.

God will make a way for us
Often times we face a lot of challenges in our lives which put us into crises.  We find ourselves in situations that make us even question the existence of God. But in all of these, when it seems that there is no hope,  hope will emerge from places we least expected.  Sometimes we see road where we may not have dreamt that there will be a road.  God comes to our rescue when the problem is above us,  when it tries to break us down. There are so many examples with which we can bring to practical life what we are saying here but I will only give one example. Continue Reading............

A certain boy had wealthy parents. His parents and his younger sister died when they went for a business trip (the Igbo will always say, "ebe onye si eri,  ya bu ebe osi ala"). It happened that as they were coming back from a business trip, they were involved in a motor accident.  Being the only survival of the accident,  he was picked up by a Rev. Sister who took the responsibility of training and taking care of him.  When he was 8 years old, the Rev. Sister died. Another Sister took him but she didn’t take care of him like the first, he was indeed suffering in her hands. At a point he could not bear it anymore, so he ran away. He met a group of boys who introduced him into stealing for survival.  He did this for years even though he was not happy about it.  When his gang members noticed that he was not fully committed to their course, they decided to dispose him.  He was no longer welcomed in his group and he had no other place to go, so he became a Lone Wolf.  One day luck ran out of him when he went stealing, he was caught by some boys who gave him a serious beating. He managed to escape but not without severe wounds.  As he was running,  he met someone who had known him through the Rev. Sister that picked him after the accident. And that was how a way was made in his life and he became a changed person.

An affirmation on God will make a way when there seems to be no way
Everyone created by God is blessed with a particular gift.  God does not leave any person empty handed.  He created us with many potentialities.  These potentialities are roads God has made for us in our lives.  These roads may be overgrown with grasses which can make us think that there never existed any road there. Again before we were conceived God has already known what we are going to be (Jeremiah 1:5), which means he has made many ways for us.  The only thing is for his grace to help us discover those ways he has made for us.  God does not necessarily create new roads or ways when it becomes tough for us, rather he makes us see those roads he has already created for us. He makes us see those roads that might have been covered by grasses or he clears them for us. When there seems to be no way.

How to see the road God has made for us
Most times we loose faith easily in God and this sometimes makes it difficult for us to see the road even when God has cleared it for us.  Again, sometimes fear is an obstacle to seeing these roads in our lives. We must therefore strengthen our faith in God and control our fears and worries.
We should bear in mind that nothing good comes easy.  God can have a serious plan for us but the way to achieve it may be very stressful.  Think of Joseph of old in the Bible.  He went through difficulties and tribulations but God used him to quench the hunger and thirst of his people Israel. God does not forget his people. Think of the Salvation of man, how God made man (Jesus ) suffered in order to make the way plain for us.  We may face many tribulations in life but they are just like a gold being tested in fire to bring out its beauty.
We must help God through building our faith and eliminating fear.

Our efforts are really needed to perfect God's plans for us. The many gifts he has given us should be used properly so as to discover those ways or roads he has made for us. It may seem to us that there are no roads or ways but they indeed exist. In the story above,  those persons that helped the boy were already created before the birth of the boy.  They are those ways which seemed like they never existed. But because of the boy's little effort and dispositions, he was able to discover the roads. There are ways but they seem not to be in existence.  Let us work and walk with God and we will see all of them. 

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