Saturday, 13 October 2018

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B.
Amos 7:12-13
Ephesians 1:3-14
Mark 6:7-13
Our calling to Christianity is a call that needs simplicity of heart and soul. The humble is always exulted and the proud is always humbled. God calls those that are very difficult to be recognized in the society and after the calling, he wants the called to be humble and live a simple life.
In the first reading, Amaziah the fake prophet wanted Amos to leave Bethel for him for Amos was just a simple man that God called and he was very faithful to him. Amos narrated his genealogy to him, showing him how simple he was before the call and how he will also live after the calling. It takes a lot for a true prophet to stand. The fake ones will always like to paint the image of the true prophet black.
In the second reading, we can see the plan of our salvation being planned even before the foundation of the world and it was achieved by Christ through his simple way of life by accepting death on the cross.
The gospel shows us how the called should live. We should carry nothing for the journey for he will provide us with what we need.C Continue Reading........

When we talk about calling here, we do not mean only those called to the ministerial priesthood but also baptismal priesthood of Christ. We are to preach to people through our behaviours. We are not to carry malice, evils and so on in our hearts while working for God. We have to empty our hearts and allow God to feed us with his will and work effectively.
Talking on material possession, when God has blessed you with riches, try and help others to get rich also not to eat your own and eat others own. Our politicians are our primary target here. They eat their salaries and also eat that of other workers. When we think it has ended, they extent to eat what they should give to those they are representing. They are now travelling with many bags and other things that Jesus warns us not to carry. Some of us here are more evil than those politicians we look unto that they are evil. We eat in our various positions what belong to others. These are what we have to work on in our lives.
On the people called in a special way to a special work in the church, they have also to live a life of example to others. They are placed in a position of emulation and direction. When a leader is living a questionable life, what will the followers do? They are advised not accumulate wealth much. They are to live the life of spiritual poverty. They are to live a moderate life in line with the English adage that says, virtue lies in the middle. 
His plan for us from time immemorial is for us to live and not to die. If so, we should not reject that message brought to us so that it will not be a condemnation on us. So that it will not be a witness against us. These messages are simple, built on simple men and being carried out through simplicity, so, we should embrace them. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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