Thursday 24 January 2019

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
 First Reading

Wisdom 7:7-11
Second Reading
Hebrews 4:12-13
Gospel 10:17-30
In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God (John 1:1). I am the living bread, anyone who eats my body and drink my blood will have eternal life… (John 6:48-58).
The word of God is wisdom itself and anyone who has it has gotten a treasure that is above all. Seek you first the kingdom of God and its riches and every other thing shall be added onto you (Matthew 6:33). The word of God when accepted whole heartedly, comes with many other gifts that will help one to live long. Today’s readings present three forms this word of God can be. Continue Reading...........

The first reading presents it as wisdom. We all know the work of it in our lives and we must earnestly work for it. If wisdom is not too important, Solomon would not have been known as he is known today. He had the opportunity of asking for other gifts but due to the importance of wisdom, he went for it.
The second reading tells us that the word of God is like a two edged sword that pierces through every heart. It pleases some and displeases others. The nature of the word of God is that it will affect some positively and affect others negatively. Positively in the sense that it may affirm the good deeds one do and negatively in the sense that it may condemn evil deeds one do. It is our duty to know where it is affecting us and how to respond to it.
The gospel is affirming the second reading with the incident that happened between Jesus and the rich man who thought he has done all that he suppose do to inherit heaven. The word of God touched him in a place where he could not go further. Some of us do bury our hearts to some things that when we are asked to leave them it becomes very difficult for us to do so and that will be when it will be hard for us to enter the kingdom of heaven for we are rich in that aspect.
Bringing the three readings together we can see in our world today how the wise are being persecuted for the truth and wisdom that come out from them and touch many heart both positively and negatively. When those who are rich in ignorance are asked to make a paradigm shift, it becomes for them a serious problem that they cannot overcome. Some of them think they are in the right direction and some even when they know they are in the wrong direction, they continue to be there for their own selfish interest.
An old man was asked by a seminarian on apostolic work to become a Christian. He rightly told him that when he comes there, he cannot maintain that level of authority he has reached in his own way of worship, for that, it is better for him to die a pagan than becoming a Christian. Some of us here, instead of changing our way of life that is not good, we decide to leave like the man in the gospel.
A man also brought a deity to his shop to kill those that stole in his shop (Ikpo mma or muo, itu alusi). The parish priest asked the man that he will do public penance and also, he will ask those taking care of the deity to come and take it away for the man was a practicing catholic. Instead of doing that which Fada asked him to do, he left Catholic Church and joined another church. These are stories happening among us. The kingdom of God will be hard for us if we continue in that line.
We are rich in many things that are not wealth, and these, we have to sell and give them out in order to follow Christ in heart and mind. Let us watch ourselves and know what we have to sell in order to make kingdom of God. The word of God is all we need to have and practice and heaven will be ours. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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