Friday 11 January 2019


Ethics made us to understand that responsibility of an action is the act of taking the blame worthiness and praise worthiness of an action or actions performed by one. Every action we take in this physical world of existence has responsibility attached to it, either blame worthy or praise worthy. We are supposed to take the two from our actions but the ugly trend now is that we kick the blame worthy out and take praise worthy even to the extent of taking others' glories. 
The act of emebo (shifting of ugly responsibilities) in our society these days are quite alarming. One must always find a way to blame another or another thing for his or her failure or mistakes. Someone will sit down in the comfort of his/her apartment, to conclude about an action about to carry out. When one is caught in the action, it is either he/she blames his village people or friends or commonly the devil. Is it not kicking off responsibility to another one or thing?
The earlier we started taking up our responsibilities no matter the condition the better for us. This is because, the issue of shifting responsibility is almost the hallmark of every problem we have in our society today. No one is ready to be blamed but we are always ready to act. Plato’s ideal state is built on each taking up his/her responsibility. The Philosopher Kings (rulers) doing their works, soldiers doing theirs and artisans doing theirs. Let us rise up to our responsibilities and stop blaming others and things will change in our world today. We will always work to avoid blames if we rise up to our responsibilities and that will help our society than kicking off our responsibilities to others. Let us shun the kick off of responsibility and face reality. Thanks. 
Tobe Eze (DAN~HILL).

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