Thursday 24 January 2019

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. By Tobe Eze

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.

Jeremiah 31:7—9
Hebrews 5:1—6
Mark 10:46—52
In a certain place, there was this poor palm wine tapper. He has been struggling since his youth. One day as he was going about his normal wine tapping, a rich man stopped his car before him. He was wondering whom that person maybe. When the man came down from his car, he greeted the poor man as a friend but he could not recognize him. After the introduction, it was his classmate from the neighbouring village.  They hugged themselves and exchanged necessary pleasantries. After the greetings, the rich man brought out two bundles of money and gave it to the poor man.  Out of joy he threw away his climbing rope.  After everything, he left it there and went home with the money.  He used it for investment and it helped him to become an average man in the society. He did not stick to his palm wine tapping rather he changed and became a better person. Continue Reading................

Thus says the LORD: Shout with joy for Jacob, exult at the head of the nations; proclaim your praise and say: The LORD has delivered his people, the remnant of Israel. The first reading calls us to rejoice for the Lord has delivered us from the bondage of the evil one (the Devil). God has ever remained faithful to us even when we do not recognize that.  He always has plans of saving us.  Ihe gbasara anyi n' echu ya ura. And that he manifested more in the second reading.

The second reading started with these words: Brothers and sisters: Every high priest is taken from among men and made their representative before God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. God takes men to become his priests to meditate between him and his people. He is an instrument or a bridge that joins two roads above a river.  This is in the fulfilment of our redemption and salvation that God decided to call men to be ministers for him and his people.  It was because of this duty that St.  Augustine said, with you, I am a Christian and for you I am a priest.  Every high priest is taken from among men for those men he was taken out from.  He is to represent God before them and represent them before God. He is a man like others, he has his weaknesses like every other man and that will make him understand others in their own weaknesses.  God being a perfect being may find it difficult to understand imperfect beings if he has to be with us, his anger (though does not last longer) will consume us if he should be with us directly. Out of his love for us, he appointed those who are weak like us to minister so that they may understand us.  We have seen this beautiful plan of salvation by God, few things are required of us, and these are made manifest in the gospel.
Bartimaeus in the gospel gave us the perfect example of some of the few things required of us. He was blind begging, when he heard of the passing of the Son of Man, he had faith that he will save him from his situation.  How many of us have that type of faith in God?
Many persons were there that he (a blind man) had found it very difficult to reach Jesus or more still, for Jesus to hear him but he did not relent. Finally, when he was asked to come by Jesus, he threw away all that he had been setting him back and ran to Jesus.
When he was asked what he wanted, he went straight to his major problem and he got it.  Some of us do not know how to pray.  When Jesus asks us to present our problems before him, we will be running from this point to another. Remember he was a beggar. He did not ask for sight, money, house, probably wife and so on, rather, he asked only for sight.
Many things maybe the cause of our problems but God is telling us today that he is here for us.  Faith maybe our problem, material things we have, people around us, things around us, not having an intention for every prayer and so on.  Let us imitate Bartimaeus today and throw them away and follow Christ. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY

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