Friday 11 January 2019


A woman I know very well, a born and brought up Catholic told me one day, “My family is suffering all sorts of hardship and this people want me to stay one place and watch it. They should hold their communion.” Many will perform miracles in my name but they are not from me (Matthew 7:22, 24:5). It is not all that call me Lord! Lord! Will enter the kingdom (Matthew 7:21). Bible has said many on this but people are still gullible more than ever.
My brother Emodi Eze, in one of his write ups on facebook laid bare the difference between miracle and magic. I am not to rewrite his article but just to give in a summary. Miracle happens with or without our help while magic cannot happen without our help. We should always bear in mind that it is the Lord that works miracles not human beings. People telling you to come to them or their praying grounds to receive miracles, does it mean that outside there, God cannot do the miracle? Jesus is the only one who can help us in our situations and that is why he is inviting us everyday to come to him all who are overburdened and over laboured and he will give us rest (Matthew 11:28).Continue Reading.........
People leave Christ and be searching for people. Almost in every Parish, morning masses are being celebrated but people prefer to go and stay with so called men/women of God all night and day than being with Jesus; the miracle worker who is present in the Holy Eucharist. I am not against people going to pilgrimage centres or adoration grounds to celebrate their crossover night at the end and beginning of a New Year but I just wish to ask, is there any difference between the Jesus that will be celebrated in your own parish and the one you are going to meet there? People jump from this man and woman of God to another, the more they do that the more their problems increase but they are not sensitive to the situation. These people are very smart and cunning. They do excessive connections both good and bad and call it miracle. They can lie with God’s name without feeling guilty.
I call it prayer prostitution for they jump from here to there. A prostitute has no single man as a friend or lover, likewise those who move from one prayer ministry or prayer ground to another. There is no adoration ground that they do not know, but it has reached years or months they had their last confession and yet they receive communion in their sins. These people do not value priests of God who are not gifted with the gift of prophecy or another like that and this make some to fake prophecy. Some go to the extent of trying to tell the priest what to do or even plan deliverance for their priests. What a world?
I recommend we come back to Jesus through following the true teachings of Jesus and his church to shun this prayer prostitution. We should bear in mind always the warning of the apostle John through his first letter, “Test every spirit before believing in it for many fake prophets are everywhere deceiving people” (Cf. 1John 4:1-2). Again the letter to the Hebrews stressed it, “Remember your leaders, who preached the word of God to you, and as you reflect on the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be for ever. Do not let yourselves be led astray by all sorts of strange doctrines” (Cf. Hebrews 13:7-9). THANKS

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