Wednesday 13 October 2021



 On Friday, 3rd week of September 2021 which was on 17th, my very good friend and classmate was brutally dealt with by unknown cutlass men just because of his phone. He is still in the hospital suffering pains and spending from the nose because of fellow boys. They stopped two bikes, one in the front and the other at the back. One of them who was with the cutlass went down. Immediately they requested for the phone, he landed the cutlass on his head. Continue Reading............... The second time, my friend tried using his hand to defend himself and a finger was cut off. It was then that he saved himself by running. My questions now are. What wrong did he do to these people? Why couldn’t they give him time to bring the phone (though not their right)? Is it a crime to own phones now? How do you feel that he will feel when he hears that they have received jungle justice? How do you feel all of us his friends and relations will feel if we hear that they have received jungle justice? The following week which was the last week of September. Another classmate of mine was coming back from school. He went back for extension (to help the school). He entered Keke Napepe at Borromeo Bustop Onitsha go to Upper Iweka to board a bus that will take him home.

The Keke Napepe moved very small and told him that he was not going again. They went to drop him along the road and during that time, his phone was collected from him. My questions are now. Was he wrong trying to patronise Onye Keke? Was it a crime, entering Keke with his phone? How do you think he will feel if he hears that they have received jungle justice likewise we his friends and relations? Another classmate on the day we resumed school, 5th October 2021. He entered a bus just like others did. Along the way, the bus diverted and all in the bus were surrendered with guns by three men. Everything they had, including their phones were collected from them. They were left with nothing. My questions now are. What wrong did they do that they entered a bus just like others? Are these people not making life difficult for sincere drivers? How do you think we will feel if we hear that they have received jungle justice? Five to three months ago, we were seeing many boys who were burnt because they said they were caught in one of these crimes I pointed out. Many persons were against the action and many were very much happy about it. The situation made some of them to retreat but they have come back again in full force because the act of burning reduced. My questions now are. Why do people like putting others in a tight corner? Would you like to obtain mercy from the jungle judges when you are caught? Why did you not remember to show mercy to the person or persons you were stealing from? Should this act of burning be resurrected? Can’t you tried a legitimate business or work in order to succeed? Many evil men and women are making our society unlivable. Making our world a hell. All of us are suffering the hardship that our government is causing us and how you want to succeed in life is by causing others more harm, the devil is better than you. We are suffering insecurity from bandits, unknown gunmen, Fulani herdsmen etc, and what is giving you joy is to increase it in our local environment by stealing from people and wounding them (some killed). The devil is even afraid of you. If we promote jungle justice now, many will tell all sorts of stories to obtain mercy from the jungle judges but avoiding the situation that will lead to that is not possible for you. You need Christ in your life. You will cry, lament, weep etc when you are caught, it will pain you that you are about to die, but when you were killing others because of ordinary phone, you didn’t remember the pain of death. When you subjected someone to abject poverty because of the last resources of the person you stole, you didn’t remember that some of them will die in the situation. When you have made a struggling young Man to spend all he has and even borrow to treat himself in the hospital because of the injuries you inflicted on him, you were enjoying life. Now you are caught and you need mercy. Mercy is for those who show mercy. My take on jungle justice is that it should not be promoted, no matter how we think it works or helps. It is not everything that works is good. It reduces crime but there are better ways of doing that. We do not have rights to life. I plead with the government, the village leaders, Local vigilantes and all those in charge of security to help and tighten up their bets in their duties to help us. I also plead that boys in the streets who often act as jungle judges to please, always hand them over to the appropriate security personnels to treat them as the law has stated. I equally pray that those who drive joy in inflicting injury on others will have a change of heart and help to promote life, hope, happiness and joy in our society. They will change and save properties instead of stealing them. They will save lives instead of destroying lives. Our society is seriously decaying, it is sinking and we don’t know where to run to. There is no place to run to than to make our society better. Thanks.

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