Sunday 10 October 2021



It is often seen that condemning people and their actions is very easy but recognising that we are into the same sin is very difficult. Worst still is even when we are worst than the people we condemn. Any little opportunity given to us to advise, preach, admonish, talk to people, we turn it into a judgement throne without accessing our own lives. I am not in anyway saying that we should not condemn bad acts, but I wish the condemnation should start from us before going to others. Why do I titled this, “do not condemn yahoo boys?” Continue Reading..........

It is now very common in our society that these contemporary men and women of God are becoming worst than yahoo boys. 2020 at the peak of Covid-19, beside the place where I was working, on the mountain there, a so called woman of God brought her prayer group there and she was telling them to sow a seed that will shake heaven so that heaven will protect them from corona virus. During the lockdown when hunger was killing some more than the corona virus and someone who claims to be God’s sent was extorting people in the name of seed sowing. Yahoo boys defraud people with their intellect (which is a serious sin), you defraud people with God’s name, you are even worst than them. You prepare a wonderful sermon for evil doers, for thieves, when at last they will make heaven (just like the thief on the cross with Jesus), while you will make hell for you never see yourself as a sinner rather, a saint. Chegharia so that Yahoo boys will not rise on the judgment day to condemn you.

It is very clear to all of us that Nigerian politicians are 98 percent worst than the Devil himself but that does not give us the right to pass judgement on them without changing the little area we are managing. This year 2021, in a certain community, every family was mandated to contribute ₦1,500 each by the traditional ruler to give to the state sanitary inspectors so that they would not come to the community for inspection. 99.5 percent of the community complied to it while the few that did not were tagged enemies of the community. I feel that sanitation is for our own good and should be encouraged and people are paying to ward it off. Let us change so that our politicians will not rise to judge us on the judgment day.

Still on the situation of the country. We are well aware of how brutal the Fulani herdsmen can be and some of our rulers in these our areas are selling our lands (community lands) to them in order to enrich themselves. They will share little to those they feel will be against them and no one will say anything again about it. Very often we hear about roads approved by the government to be tarred. After grading them, we will never hear anything about them again. After sometime we will hear again, eriela ego ụzọa (the money has been eaten). We will raise every available cause on them, and you forget easily that you also got a share in the community land sold and you have said nothing about. The lands of the poor or the weak being sold or snatched away from them, you got a share and stopped talking. You do not have the moral courage to condemn those that eat the public fund unless you change. Don’t allow those commissioners and contractors to rise against you on the judgment day.

Back to ndi amuma. Some of you who go to the devil to get powers to do wonders in order to defraud people, biko, ndi Yahoo are better than you, it is better you keep quiet and pray for the spirit of repentance. Ndi politician anyị are better than you because you present to people a good picture (using the name of God in vain) when you know you are a wolf. On the judgment day, the Yahoo boys and our politicians will travel from far and near to come and condemn you if you do not leave your evil ways to embrace the truth.

We often condemn Ndị NEPA because of how they disappoint us in this country, but the annoying part of it is that our village brothers and towns' leaders eat the money contributed by the rich and poor as their NEPA bills and make all to be in darkness. Ego NEPA that you are eating, making your own village to be in darkness shows that you will do the worst when you are given a higher position. Even Jesus said it that “Whoever can be trusted with small things can also be trusted with big things. Whoever is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in big things too” (cf. Luke 16:10-11). Let us not allow ego NEPA to rise against us on the judgment day.

Lastly, our politicians who claim to be representing us and are killing us, be ready that on the judgment day, those you killed through injustice, insecurity, unemployment, carelessness, insensitivity, pride, greed, wickedness, rituals, insincerity, selfishness etc will rise against you. They will condemn you. Ndị Yahoo boys, you are not in anyway justified by this write up. If you do not change, those who are condemning you now and those you defrauded will still rise against you on the judgment day. I sincerely pray that if we do not change, may God give us the advance of our punishments here on earth so that we will receive the remaining in hell where we have chosen to go because of worldly things. Thanks and Happy Sunday!


  1. May the good lord help us to access ourselves before judging others 🙏.
    On my own path I think that our politicians have constituted 80% of the problems we're having in Nigeria. If the economy we're to be good, hopefully there would have been lesser need for people to venture into dirty means to make livelihood.

  2. Nice write-up
    I only wish people would study this text and understand that u have to remove the speck in ur eye before complaining about the log of wood in another's.

    Keep up the good work. The Lord is ur strength.
