Saturday 6 November 2021



We are very conversant with the story of how the wife of Lot turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back on their flight out from Sodom. Because of ordinary turning, she turned into a pillar of salt, if this generation existed then or if the experience should repeat itself, I am certainly that the number of pillars of salt will be more than the world population. It surprises me that we have lost it entirely that we cannot control ourselves in very simple things around us.

I gave you my phone to see a message that someone sent me. After seeing it, you left the message, entered my WhatsApp and searched all my chats. I lost my privacy to you because I showed you a message. After that, you entered Facebook messenger and searched all my chats. And lastly, you checked my normal message and everything checkable. State CID Weldon oooo. Why would you not turn into a pillar of salt?

Continue Reading...........

You gave me your phone to see some pictures and I started searching for pictures and videos that I did not save in your phone. Worst still, after searching, I started telling people what I saw in your phone. I could not control myself to only see the ones shown to me, I went to the extent of telling people what I saw. EFCC daalụ ọlụ. Why would I not turn into a pillar of salt?

You visited a friend, she welcomed you and asked you to feel at home. She went out to get something for you. You used the opportunity to search the house as if she stole something from you. Because she left her wardrobe open, you decided to search everything including the underwears. Because she trusted you and left everywhere open you searched even the toilet, under the bed. Before her arrival, you were already sweating and panting as if you fell from a tree. Na that thing you dey search for go give you heart break. Why would you not turn into a pillar of salt?

Your father came back with a bag unclear to you. You waited for him to go out and you started your new job of searching everything that you see. Even your father does not have privacy again because you cannot control yourself. Ajọ ndụ. Pillar of salt is loading.

Your lovely mother came back from the executive meeting of your village women, trusting her lovely daughter with the registers of their meeting and asked you to go and keep them for her. You did the job and added extra. You read what they discussed, people they will punish etc and went out to tell your friends what will happen in the next general meeting. BBC News ekele mụ gị. You will turn into a pillar of uncle palm salt.

I am asked not to go to this place because of a genuine reason. Because I feel they are mad for telling me that, I decided to go there. I did not end in going there but doing that that was the main reason I was asked not to go there. In my mind I think that I am the smartest person in the whole world. Ewu Hausa. See me see pillar of salt.

We often commit the sin of going into people’s privacies but we are not always conscious of that. It is a sin to go into people’s privacy without their permission. If you want to check something in someone’s privacy, please ask for permission. If granted, know your limit, if denied, please accept it. If we do not learn how to control ourselves towards that, surprisely they may count on the day of judgement. Control yourself and leave what categorically does not concern you and even the ones that concern you, handle it with maturity. Even if you are an elder brother or sister, parents, best friend etc, that person has right to his or her privacy. Going into your husband’s or wife’s privacy is the best way to get disappointed with things that should not be and to create unnecessary problems and distrust. Learn how to control yourself and it will help your family. Always looking into someone’s chats, listening to calls, listening to discussions with a visitor, peeping into the room of another person to get materials for gossip etc may merit us hell fire. Let us watch it.

Our own pillar of salt may be hell fire, let us make effort to avoid it. Let us be more like Virgin Mary who always pondered what she heard and saw in her heart than turning to see like the wife of Lot. Daalụ. Happy Weekend


  1. This is something to be ponder on by all

  2. This is something to be pondered on by all

  3. As in ehh
    This is much
    As in, this is reality...
    I did this once @phone issues
    But my dad taught me indirectly what privacy.
    My parents can't play with their children's privacy...
    This should be food for thought.
    Every one Should take correction.
    God bless you for this 👍🤝

  4. As in ehh
    This is much
    As in, this is reality...
    I did this once @phone issues
    But my dad taught me indirectly what privacy.
    My parents can't play with their children's privacy...
    This should be food for thought.
    Every one Should take correction.
    God bless you for this 👍🤝
