Friday 14 January 2022



In recent times, Nigerian citizens have been travelling out of the country for one thing or the other. Those who have the financial wherewithal have landed themselves in America, Asia, Europe etc. and today, many are still trying to leave the shores of the country if they have the chance.




Nigerians are aware that the time and energy they invest working in the country will earn them more income if they replicate that abroad. Being hardworking in diaspora means more money in the bank account, but the same cannot be said in the case of Nigeria.  Continue Reading.........

And you will find out that while working abroad, no matter the type of work you do, you will be heavily appreciated and you are seeing the outcome of your struggle unlike here in Nigeria when you have the cases of employers owing employees for example, the case of federal government owing ASUU and the Union of non-teaching university staff which has been the reason for them to be embarking on indefinite strike in the year 2018 which slowed down the educational system of the country So, every one with the opportunity will want to go to a place where their efforts will be heavily appreciated.


In recent times, insecurity has been one of the reasons why Nigerians travel abroad. Because in recent times, there has been an increase in crime rate, criminal activities, banditry and terrorist activities in the country which has resulted to the indiscriminate shed of blood of innocent citizens, either by terrorists or the armed forces of Nigeria. And when you look at it, you will find out that in Nigeria, is either you are running away from the thief or you are running away from the armed forces whose duty is to protect your life and property because indiscriminate arrest of citizens, killing of innocent citizens for voicing out their opinion has been the order of the day in Nigeria like the massacre that happened at Lagos toll gate on October 20/10/2020 that a lot of civilians lost their life and this has also led to deficiency in  enabling environment for business and commerce. As a result of this, foreign investor will like to remain in Nigeria with all the. insecurity threats happening around the country because the foreigners themselves are also the targets of all these bandits and criminals. 


This is no longer news that in recent times, unemployment has been the order of the day in Nigeria. And yet, every year we have millions of youths graduating from different terbeach institutions only to find out that, there is no job opportunity for them. In Nigeria you have a case of someone who studied theatre arts occupying the sits of someone who studied accounting in the bank or someone who studied banking and finance occupying the sit of who studied mass communication because he or she has connection or his father is waiting for him or her to finish before leaving the office for him or her. No body would like to be in a situation where by his or her future is uncertain or being in a position where by you are telling your self that the four , five or six years you spent in the university has been a waste of time because at the end of the day you will find out that some of those who left school and those who didn’t attend school at all are doing very well more than you do and you will turn to be their employee .


When you take a look at the educational system of Nigeria and what we have in abroad, you will find out that the quality of education in abroad is better than what we have here in Nigeria. Take for example, in our Nigerian universities, where we have language learners, you will find out that people learning languages like French, Spanish, German or Dutch languages doesn’t have the right facilities and equipment to learn because in recent times, the  government or the school governing body does not care about the people in this and it’s a difficult task for those who doesn’t have the money to expose their children to the environment that will expose the people in this area. Also take a look at people studying computer science and engineering courses in the university, through out their stay in the university will be doing the theory aspect of the courses they are studying without practical which make the people studying these courses exhausted and dropping out of school. We are in a situation where by for you to get a quality education will be determined by the size of your pocket.  But when you go abroad, they don’t just teach you the theoretical parts of what you are studying you will also have the objective parts of what you are studying which makes it more fun. And also, learning is affordable there and the lack of enabling environment for education is another reason why Nigerians will want to travel abroad.


Many people find it easier to advance in their career abroad than they will in Nigeria. Take for example, entertainment industry in Nigeria you will find out that in recent times the government hardly invest in entertainment industry unlike in abroad where you have the government investing and help in nurturing young talents and giving them the necessary exposure, which will help in the economic growth of the country. Unlike here in Nigeria, no body cares about the talents living around, and you will find out that even if you decide to expose your self here you can never be matched with someone who has travelled abroad to advance in his or her career because  you find out that for example the united states government doesn’t joke with any one who is found with any required skill. Even if you are found here in Africa and you are being taken to their country, they will love to adopt you as their son knowing that they can make very good use of you and they will give you the best of the knowledge you require to advance in your career.


The major factor to be considered in the development of the country is lack of health care facilities. Here in Nigeria you will find out that the situation of the health care system in Nigeria is very bad and is nothing to write home about. We are in in a situation where by medical practitioners go on strike because they are not well paid and they lack equipment’s and as a result of this, people die every day.  In recent times, we are in a situation where by if you are not rich you can’t get a good medical treatment if not death will come knocking on your door. And the government of today has refused paying attention to the health care system of our country instead the spend the millions of naira travelling abroad to get better treatment in developing the government owned hospitals , we have a case of them investing in inferior materials to government owned hospitals and even if you have a better treatment here in Nigeria, you will get at a private owned hospital at an expensive rate . and also, another reason is because of the carelessness of our doctors and the rising of quack health practitioners, that is the more reason why Nigerians travel abroad if they have the opportunity to. 


In recent times in Nigeria you will find out that human rights are being violated daily by the people who are meant to be protecting it. Here we have the cases of police brutality, killings of innocent citizens with justice perverted, money laundry by government officials without being questioned , election rigging and shedding of blood just to retain a particular sit, citizens being threatened and not allowed to demonstrate peacefully in adequate funding of security agencies to combat terrorism and banditry especially the army and police men, the citizens not being allowed to air their views about the bad government which has wrecked the countries economy to zero and so many others which are not mentioned here. When you take a look at all these, no one would want to stay in a lawless country or a country that does not care about its citizen and also the leaders doing things that will only benefit them. This the major reason why Nigerian citizens travel abroad to be in a place where by even as a foreigner or immigrant, your rights are being secured and you are not afraid of being arrested without any charge or killed by the armed forces.  But in Nigeria, the reverse is the case. 


Take for example the case of Boko haram and Fulani herdsmen, you will find out that our security agencies and armed forces are complaining of not being well paid and funded to do his or her job. We have reports of the military complaining of them not having the necessary arsenal to face these terrorists so therefore people are dying every day and they the armed forces are being killed on a daily basis. Meanwhile the government is interested in spending money unnecessarily on things that are important and to some extent looting the funds of the country into their own pocket and yet they will expect the men of the armed forces to risk their life in fighting with terrorists that has new technology and sophisticated weapons. instead of funding them with sophisticated weapons, they will fund them with weapons to suppress the poor mass for airing their views about the poor governance of the country like the one that happened at leki toll gate 20/10/2020. When you take a look at this, you will find out that the country is no longer conducive to be in so that is why Nigerians travel abroad.


this has been a major problem facing Nigeria as a whole. we have incidences where by roads are being spoilt and abandoned and people are dying of road accidents of bad roads. The health care system is down and people don’t have access to good health care system. There is poor supply of electricity in the country unlike the neighboring countries that has uninterrupted power supply of electricity. The most painful part of this is that the people that is suffering from these are the people living in rural areas and worst part is that when it comes to task paying , they are the ones who pays task the more than people living in urban areas and cities but still, you will find out that they have no good roads , good water supply, and good shelter, food and education. yet the government will punish these people for not paying their levies and expect them to be up and doing. That is why most of our citizens don’t believe in Nigeria and its government and every body dreams of traveling abroad where you have access to good roads, access to good healthcare and proper education. 


In conclusion with the points made, you will find out that given the activities of Nigerian government you will find out that they are suffering from lack of good siting and today, the country is no longer safe and the citizens themselves are tired of the country and has given up hope for a better Nigeria. The government should make the necessary provision and also refurbish the security forces, educational institution and create a lot of job or skill acquisition for the youth to keep themselves busy with not keeping them stranded cause as they say, an idol man is a devil’s workshop. 


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