Saturday 22 January 2022




Till you stay or work under presons who are like these, you will not understand why I am seriously shouting for this meeting ụmụnna. Most times, it is not always those who suffer more that cry out but those who are observing. That is why you will always notice mistakes in the pitch when you are just watching the match or you will be applying break with your legs and turning steering from your own side when you notice that the driver is not doing as you wish. This meeting that I am shouting for us to have is now urgent because of these:

Because you like taking alcohol, any other person who does not take alcohol should be avoided because you do not know what gives the person joy. Onye Joy. Biko, everyone must not be you and everyone must not like alcohol, mind your own business and pray  that that alcohol will not lead you astray. Or the other way round. Because you are not drinking alcohol, those who take it are now candidates for hell fire. Mummy G O daalụ. Who told you that that person taking alcohol is not better than you? Mind your own business and leave people alone biko. Na your own hell fire? Do not just allow your soft drink or water to disgrace you one day or worst still, take you to hell fire. Continue Reading.........

For the fact that you made money early, others who are poor are now lazy and stupid. Get out. That you are succeeding does not make others lazy and stupid. Some of them make more effort than what you are putting in, just that it is favouring you. Instead of sinning because you feel they are stupid. Instead of spending energy in mocking them, spend the energy to help them. That you have made it is not a sure ticket of remaining there. Onye ma echi. Do not allow the gift of money God has given you to lead you astray. The funniest aspect of this is that whoever is poor will now see those who have made it as ritualists. Onye gwara gị that God cannot bless people with money again? Make your own sincere efforts and pray for God to bless you in your situation. That you are poor today does not mean you cannot make it tomorrow. There is still hope. You will blow ok.

That you have problem with self-control does not make you normal and the other person abnormal. Because you follow every girl or boy that comes across you does not mean you are responding to nature and he or she is now homosexual or abnormal. Control yourself and regulate how you commit the sin of disobeying the sixth commandment of God. Following the other side. For the fact that you have psychological problem, that you see girls or boys as devils that have come to deceive you does not make the other a womaniser or a prostitute. Or worst still if you are a homosexual, I have nothing to tell you apart from reminding you that no lower animal does that which you have chosen and you should also in time, remember the experience of Sodom and Gomorrah. Njọ bu njọ. Being free with girls or boys is never a sin but allowing your emotions to rule you and you commit adultery or fornication, that is where the problem lies. Not being balanced, seeing girls or boys as devils, you need help. Boys are not devils, girls are not devils, the problem is in your head (this does not mean that we do not have wicked ones).

Because academics is favouring you, you think others do not read at. Nwanne, brain onye obula dị iche. Some read very well but do not understand much, do not think that you have read more than all created by God and people should worship you. Help your brothers and sisters who are not finding it easy academically. It will do you good than mocking them. Again, because you have refused to make since efforts to excel in your academics does not make everyone who is intelligent is wicked. You will propound a philosophy that does not have base that all that are intelligent are wicked. Says who bikonu? Guba akwụkwọ to excel and stop talking ill about others. Make sincere efforts and leave the rest for God.

I have come to understand that some have gotten apartments in heaven for themselves and have gotten apartments in hell fire for others. They have already shared the rooms in heaven and hell and have given each person his or her own both in heaven and in hell. They feel they are now in union with God and others who are not like them are now in union with the devil. They have drank the Holy Spirit like drinking water and other have swallowed the devil like pounded yam. Chai, deputy Jesus. CEO heaven and hell fire companies. Now listen. None of us have gone to heaven to know or determine how God will judge us. Let us just take what the church is teaching us and the positive things our cultures, governments etc seriously and not claim heaven and give others hell fire. Because you go to church every day will not take you to heaven if you do not add good deeds. That you are always doing charity out of your own selfish interest or to be praised always by men will not take you to heaven, consider God first. On the other hand, because you have refused to be in a good relationship with your God does not mean that others are pretending. For the fact that you pretend to be holy and you know you are not does not prove your point that anyone who is struggling to be holy is pretending. For the fact that you are an stingy (aka 4 minutes gum) does not prove that others are doing charity for their selfish interest or to be seen and praised by others. Make your own effort and leave people alone. Let me just quote Fr Ossai Mellitus. “We are to live a prayerful life and not life of prayer if we want to make heaven.” Let me explain, prayerful life is a life that everything you do manifests prayer and people see God in you, in the field of play, classes, market, work, farm, church etc. Life of prayer is living your life just to pray. Praying in the morning, afternoon, evening and night, leaving your primary responsibility to pray. 

Na ngwụcha, we should always try to understand people than criticizing them. We should know that as we do not like how others are behaving and have sworn to be criticizing them, so also others do not understand how we are behaving and have also sworn to be criticizing us. Let us learn how to understand people in their ways of life and try to help when necessary and not always condemn people.

I have brought out some points to be discussed in the meeting ụmụnna, help me to bring out more as we prepare for this meeting. This community must change if we have this meeting and take resolution to change ourselves to better instead of wanting only others to change. Let us change our mindsets about others and others will also do the same about us and we shall perfect this our community. 

Ụmụnna kwenu!

Ụmụnna kwenu‼

Ụmụnna kwenuzuonu‼!

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