Saturday 22 October 2022



Since you want to know, now listen very well so that you will understand how everything happened.

I was coming back from a conference which took place in Enugu. When I reached Ugwuogo Nike, a lady was waving at me to stop, I stopped and she rushed me with a young man. She pleaded that they were going to Nsukka and had little money, she asked if I could help her and her brother, if Nsukka was my destination. Of course I was going home which is in Nsukka. I told her that I could not help considering the situation of the country as regards insecurity. Continue Reading......

I told her that it would be a serious risk for me to do such a thing. She pleaded heaven and earth, that I should trust her and I refused. She lastly begged for a little money to add to the one she had so that they would be able to go home. At this point, I felt she was genuine because if it was a trap, she would have insisted on following me in my car. I made her to swear that they were not planning anything evil for a man who wanted to offer help. She brought out Bible and chaplet and told me that actually they were coming from a prayer house and they did donation there which reduced their transport fare, that she had complete money before but the donation came against how they planned before coming. She swore both heaven and earth for me and I accepted to help. I was not fully convinced and I continued praying in my heart throughout the journey. I asked them which part of Nsukka they were going and they said Nsukka town. My house is in GRA Nsukka, which means, we were going the same direction. Let me not make it longer than it should be.

Before reaching Nsukka, I mistakenly (though out of charity) told them that I live in the GRA and asked them where I would drop them. She shouted, “what a coincidence”. She told me that they were heading to GRA to collect money from their uncle. In my innocence, I continued the journey. When we reached GRA, in front of my gate, I told them that I had reached home, they should go down. The boy first went down, the girl held me on my neck and started shouting. That I should pay her, that this is exactly what we the rich normally do. That if not for poverty, would she be sleeping around with shameless people like me. The boy from my door told me, Oga pay her. I could not understand anything at all. Nothing reasonable came to my mind on how to settle this issue. I was just trying to understand what was happening and how to follow the issue, my gate opened and it was my wife’s car trying to go out. She saw my car parked. She came down, on reaching the spot, the girl continued shouting the more. My wife could not understand what she was hearing. I managed and drove into my compound because people were already gathering, my son went and locked the gate. My wife was already getting mad. I tried to explain how everything happened to my wife but the girl was shouting all the more. My wife starting crying and went inside. My son went inside, brought some money, gave to the girl and she left me. My whole family could not understand me. I did even know how best to talk about it. My wife did not talk about it and even when I wanted to talk about it, she never allowed me to do so. My family was gradually crumbling because of a charity that I did. I continued praying for God to vindicate me.

After two months, when my family was already in chaos, my second daughter came in shouting. “Dad! Dad! Jesus really knows what he is doing”. I was just helpless listening to her because, for two months, my house has been like a burial ground without such shouts. I quietly asked her what was it. She asked me if I remembered everything that happened the day I came back from Enugu. Her mother shouted at her and asked her to leave since my wife never wanted anyone to discuss that. Whatever my wife was planning, I never knew, I was only praying to God to help me in this situation. She insisted and told my wife that she had a good news. We listened. She told us that if we could remember, that she was only taking pictures the day the incidence took place. I did not even know that she was doing that. She further said that she went into investigation to know what actually happened. Her investigation did not yeild any positive result. But something happened. She said, as she was coming out from the Catholic cathedral church Nsukka to go to the market, she saw a lady that the police arrested. She went closer to see more and surprisingly it was the same girl. She wanted to do the same thing to a Catholic Priest, unfortunately for her, the priest wanted to pick his brother who is a policeman before the cathedral gate, the priest also had offered her help and she was in his car and the girl started the same drama with the priest. The brother to the priest watched closely and recognised the girl. That it was the same girl they had detained for this same act in Enugu where the brother to the priest is working. The policeman, gave her some serious beatings there, called Nsukka division and they came and took the girl. As they were taking her away, I was snapping as well and she was shouting. Na devil. Na devil. My mother has been sick and we do not have money for her to go to the hospital and my uncles do not want to help us. I am only doing this for the life of my mother. And my daughter concluded (see the pictures I took), come see happiness. Daddy, E never finish oooo. I posted it on my Facebook, watch comments. This same girl has done this to many people. See people testifying to her evil acts. She thinks she knows more than Jesus to try his priest. When the gods want to kill a man, they will first of all make him made. She was mad already, that was why she wanted to try that rubbish with a priest of God.

You can imagine the joy that returned to my home with this sweet news. That is how everything happened. I now advise, please in such situations, only pray for God to vindicate you, Jesus knows what he is doing. God really saved me and I know he will of course save you in all your troubles. All these people who harm people when they want to help you. Your time will be up one day. If you encounter the same people like me, either give them money or go your way, you are not owing them, carrying Bible and chaplet does not show a Christian these days. Even the devil has them in their numbers and the devil is now sitting in the front seats in the church. Thanks and Happy Weekend



  1. Omo things dey happen oo

  2. Hmmmmmm
    Honestly is inspired me to be more careful

  3. This is terrible.

  4. Nawao! Things are really happening o. This is why some people have stopped giving help to those who claim to be in need. May God help us all not to fall victim and yet be helpful.
