Showing posts with label SOLEMNITIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOLEMNITIES. Show all posts

Thursday 22 December 2016

Christmas Mass During the Day By Tobe Eze

Mass During the Day
Isaiah 52:7—10
Hebrews 1:1—6
Longer Form John 1:1—18
This is Christmas, let us shout Alleluia, this is Christmas, let us shout Hosanna. Christmas is back again. Since four weeks we have been preparing for this very day. This day is a great day to the Church and the whole world. Christ is born to us, Glory be to God. Christmas is for all, not for only Christians. Those who say it is not for them also notice it and also obey it. I went to the market to buy wrist watch. When I approached an Hausa man popularly called ABOKI to bargain for it, he told me #1200. I asked him why and he answered. “This is season, Christmas is at the corner. When you also meet those practicing African Traditional Religion (ATR) they also repeat the same thing. Which means it is for all. But all these are physical things. This Christmas of Joy, how joyful is it when many around us are in agony and we can liberate them from it? How joyful is it, when the one who offended us since last year, we are yet to forgive them and not even ready to forgive? (Ikpe mụ na gị bụzị n’ eligwu) How joyful is it, when our neighbours, friends, blood brothers or sisters and relations etc have nothing to use in this Christmas and we have more than required and still we don’t want to help out in this situation? Christ brings Joy to the world. Continue Reading

Thursday 8 December 2016

Immaculate Conception By Catholic Encyclopedia

Immaculate Conception

Help support New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99...

The doctrine

In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pius IX pronounced and defined that the Blessed Virgin Mary "in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin."
"The Blessed Virgin Mary..."
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What is the Immaculate Conception?

Question: "What is the Immaculate Conception?"

Answer: Many people mistakenly believe that the Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ conception was most assuredly immaculate—that is, without the stain of sin—but the Immaculate Conception does not refer to Jesus at all. The Immaculate Conception is a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church in regards to Mary, Jesus’ mother. The official statement of the doctrine reads, “The blessed Virgin Mary to have been, from the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, in view of the merits of Christ Jesus the Savior of Mankind, preserved free from all stain of original sin” (Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, December 1854). Essentially, the Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was protected from original sin, that Mary did not have a sin nature and was, in fact, sinless.
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Mary's Immaculate Conception by Father William G. Most

Mary's Immaculate Conception

by Father William G. Most

In teaching that Mary was conceived immaculate, the Catholic Church teaches that from the very moment of her conception, the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from all stain of original sin. This simply means that from the beginning, she was in a state of grace, sharing in God's own life, and that she was free from the sinful inclinations which have beset human nature after the fall.
History of the Doctrine
There are two passages in Scripture which point us to this truth. We look first at Genesis 3.15, in which we see the parallel between Mary and Eve of which the early Church Fathers already spoke: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." The Jews saw this passage as referring to the struggle between Christ and Satan, and so the Church see in "the woman" a prophetic foreshadowing of the Virgin Mary (Vatican II, Lumen gentium, # 55). Continue Reading

Thursday 17 November 2016

Solemnity of Christ the King Year C By Tobe Eze

Solemnity of Christ the King Year C
2 Samuel 5:1—3

Colossians 1:12—20
Luke 23:35—43

Today we celebrate CHRIST as the universal KING. It did not end that he is the UNIVERSAL KING but also a CARING KING. In the first reading, the people of Israel went to David in humility, and anointed him their king. David ruled his people with caring heart and that was a typical example of how the son of David (Christ) has been ruling his own chosen generation. In the second reading, St. Paul tells us who the king of glory is. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he himself might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by the blood of his cross through him, whether those on earth or those in heaven. He is like the pelican bird that uses its blood to feed its young. A STORY: There was a community that suffered death, they meet their Oracle who told them that the only way out is to sacrifice seven male heads. And they must be from that community. The community gathered for meeting to know those that will be sacrificed. Co