Saturday 5 November 2016

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C By Tobe Eze

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

2 Maccabees 7:1—2, 9—14


2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5
Luke 20:27—38


The readings are pointing towards Life and Life. The life on earth and life after now. In the first reading, the seven sons and their mother were killed in this life to enjoy the other life, which we all are working towards to gain. There are still everlasting joyful life after and total damnation after this life. So which one are you preparing for? Martyrdom started with this family, they should be our models in faith. If we are asked to defend our faith these days like this family, can we do it? Or are we going to use one Igbo adage which says, Onye dị ndụ na efe Chineke to defend our life here and forget about life after this one? There were two lives for them and they made their choice. Choice of one life to the other. If we are to choose today, what type of life are we going to choose? Their choices glorified the Lord. Do choices we make daily glorify God or bring shame to him? In the second reading St. Paul encourages us to also make choices that take us to the other life which we are running race to get. Continue Reading


What is CYWO? It is Catholic Young Women Organization. This is the fourth arm in the Holy Roman Catholic Church. This particular arm makes the Church a full Church and it helps to make the different stages in life complete in the Church. The group came out from CMO and CWO; that is Catholic Men Organization and Catholic Women Organization. This is the fruit of wedding in the Church. For one to be qualified to join this group, you have to receive the sacrament of baptism. Either adult baptism or infant baptism and first Holy Communion. This particular organization has two group in them, which are the junior and senior groups. The senior in most cases pay more than the junior (that is on things about money). One continues to be a member till one weds. It helps to keep young women closer to the church. Continue Reading

Tuesday 1 November 2016

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C By Tobe Eze

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Wisdom 11:22—12:2
2 Thessalonians 1:11—2:2
Luke 19:1—10

Today’s readings are pointing towards chances God gives his children to repent and come back to him And to see our efforts in life. In the first reading, God gives teaches us how to live our lives. He shows example how we should treat our so called enemies. Through our sins we are automatically enemies of God but he still gives us chances to come back to him. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE GIVE OUR ENEMIES CHANCE TO COME BACK TO US? It continues to be, pay back is not sin. In Igbo, onye mere onye mere ya na obughi njo. In Christianity and Christ's teaching, paying back evil with evil is sin. In the gospel Zaccheaus who was dwarf both physical and spiritual made effort which in turn made him very tall spiritually. From Zaccheaus we should know that heaven helps those who help themselves. He made effort, what is expected of us now is our efforts. If God enters your house (your heart) salvation will not leave their again. Effort is too necessary in our lives. A STORY: Emperor Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his courtiers. He often asked questions which were strange and witty. It took much wisdom to answer these questions.
Once he asked a very strange question. The courtiers were dumb folded by his question.
Akbar glanced at his courtiers. As he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. It was at this moment that Birbal entered the courtyard. Birbal who knew the nature of the emperor quickly grasped the situation and asked, "May I know the question so that I can try for an answer". Continue Reading

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. By Tobe Eze

October 16, 2016
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Exodus 17:8—13
2 Timothy 3:14—4:2
Luke 18:1—8
The first reading teaches us to be persistent in prayer. Moses kept his hands up for the glory of his people. If we have a steadfast faith in our God, if we trust him with all our hearts he will give us victory as he gave the Israelites today. Always look for people who will give you positive support as Joshua and Hur did to Moses today. The second reading tells us that the word of God which is the scripture should be our reference point. It is inspired by God which means it is God and God cannot desive us. In the Gospel, Jesus tells us the parable of a Judge who do not fear anything including God, but he granted the wish of the widow who was disturbing him. Our heavenly father will give us what we ask of him if we keep to our faith in him. PUSH Pray Until Something Happens. A story = One day a local evangelist bragged during a crusade that his God was more able than all the other gods in the town and the powers of the universe that the villagers worshiped put together. Just then, rainstorm sounds started sounding overhead, threatening the progress of the crusade. The evangelist lifted up his voice and declared with confidence that if the rains fell, then he wasn't a man of God; he would stop preaching! Continue Reading