Saturday 5 November 2016

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C By Tobe Eze

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

2 Maccabees 7:1—2, 9—14


2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5
Luke 20:27—38


The readings are pointing towards Life and Life. The life on earth and life after now. In the first reading, the seven sons and their mother were killed in this life to enjoy the other life, which we all are working towards to gain. There are still everlasting joyful life after and total damnation after this life. So which one are you preparing for? Martyrdom started with this family, they should be our models in faith. If we are asked to defend our faith these days like this family, can we do it? Or are we going to use one Igbo adage which says, Onye dị ndụ na efe Chineke to defend our life here and forget about life after this one? There were two lives for them and they made their choice. Choice of one life to the other. If we are to choose today, what type of life are we going to choose? Their choices glorified the Lord. Do choices we make daily glorify God or bring shame to him? In the second reading St. Paul encourages us to also make choices that take us to the other life which we are running race to get. Continue Reading

As Christians we should always put our Lord Jesus Christ first before any other thing or person. He made the choice to give us the other life, which is everlasting joy, it is now left for us to take the life through living out Christian life. In the gospel, some Sadducees who only believed in one life ask about the other life. They were taking resurrection as our people take reincarnation (mmadụ ịlua ụwa). But Jesus made it clear to them. Anyone who looses this life for my sake will have it in the other life. Jesus is the only way, the truth and life (John 14:6). It is only Jesus that can give the other life for he is the life himself. Some of our Christians are like the Sadducees who still hope only on this passing life. For this reason the holy mother Church in one of the prayers of the faithful during burial brought out this prayer, For those all their hopes end in this world, ( maka ndị nchekwube ha nile kwusịrị n' ụwa). Also in the preface for the dead, in him the hope of blessed resurrection has dawned, that those saddened by the certainty of dying might be consoled by the promise of immortality to come. Indeed for your faithful, Lord, life is changed not ended, and, when this earthly dwelling turns to dust, an eternal dwelling is made ready for them in heaven. (Ọbụ site nay a ka nchekwube mbilite n’ ọnwụ dị nsọ ji chawapụta n’ ebebe anyị nọ, ka ndị ọ n’ ewute n’ otu ụbọchị na ha ga anwụrịrị nweta ntasiobi nkwa nke ndụ ebebe dị n’ ụwa ọzọ. Maka ndị kwere na gị O Oseburuwa, ndụ anaghị enwe njedebe, sọsọ mgbanwe ka ana agbanwe ya, mgbe ụlọ anyị nke dị n’ uwa mebiri ana akpọbata anyị n’ ụlọ ọzọ dị n’ eligwe).Let us remember the next life and set our hopes there and not on this earth. Let us stick to him who is the life himself and he will never disappoint us. If we understand that life does not end but only change, then we will plan for a better change that is unchangeable when changed with this changeable one (life).Planning anything outside Jesus is like this STORY OF CAT AND RATS: There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop. Food was in plenty for them. They ate everything and spoiled all the bags. They also wasted the bread, biscuits and fruits of the shop. The grocer got really worried. So, he thought "I should buy a cat and let it stay at the grocery. Only then I can save my things." He bought a nice, big fat cat and let him stay there. The cat had a nice time hunting the mice and killing them. The mice could not move freely now. They were afraid that anytime the cat would eat them up.  The mice wanted to do something. They held a meeting and all of them tweeted "We must get rid of the cat. Can someone give a suggestion"? All the mice sat and brooded. A smart looking mouse stood up and said, "The cat moves softly. That is the problem. If we can tie a bell around her neck, then things will be fine. We can know the movements of the cat".  Yes, that is answer, stated all the mice. An old mouse slowly stood up and asked, "Who would tie the bell?" After some moments. There was no one there to answer this question.  MORAL: Empty solutions are of no worth. Any plan in this life that Jesus is not the head is heading towards failure. “Cut off from me and you can do noting” (John 15:5). Jesus is our lives and we should glorify him in our words, thoughts and deeds. And everything we plan, let it be in him. Our brothers and their mother in the first reading showed us example, St. Paul in the second reading asks us to do everything that will glorify God and the gospel tells us that in the other life, we will be like our first life which is Jesus. Unless the Lord builds a house, the labour in vain you build it, if the does not watch over the city, in vain does the watchman keep vigil (Psalm 127:1)

See more in DAN~HILL. Thanks.

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