17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
2 Kings 4:42—44
2 Kings 4:42—44
Ephesians 4:1—6
Ephesians 4:1—6
John 6:1—15
John 6:1—15
From of old, the Lord has continued to provide for his people till
this day and he will also continue to do so till eternity. Think of man in his creation God gave him
every necessary to live. He provided him
with all that he needed. Think of Abraham,
God took care of him even when the world thought that there was no hope, he
gave him a child (Genesis 21:1-22). When
Abraham himself thought there was no hope, that his son was gone, God provided
the sacrificial victim. Israelites in their sojourn of life, God never left
them to perish, he was every time protecting and providing for them. When humanity was on the verge of doom, Jesus
Christ came and redeemed us. What a
wonderful God!
In the first reading, the servant of Elisha forgot the nature of the
God of his master but Elisha knowing the God he was serving and being faithful
to him waited for the Lord to do what he is known for and he did it and there
was leftover. Whatever our God is doing, he does that with excess in order to
favour us, though it may take time but when it comes, it covers all those time
that it took before coming. Continue Reading .....................................