Holy Saturday. Easter Vigil Year C.
First Reading: Genesis 1:1-22
Second Reading: Genesis 22:1-18
Third Reading: Exodus 14:15-15:
Fourth Reading: Isaiah 54:5-14
Fifth Reading: 55:1-11
Sixth Reading: Baruch 3:9-15,
Seventh Reading: Ezekiel
36:16-17a, 18-28
Eighth Reading (Epistle): Romans
Gospel: Luke 24:1-12
Some persons can be very
religious in life. A certain woman during a burial (Christian burial), was
sharing food. It happened that the food was not enough, she did not eat. After
about 50 minutes or one hour when the food has finished, a woman came looking
for food. When she was told that there was no food left, she finished the woman
who shared the food up. There is nothing bad on earth that the woman did not rain
on her fellow woman. Even when people tried to explain to her that the woman
herself did not eat, she did not listen but was seriously barking. She told her
that that is how they eat church money that poor people have contributed, that
hell is now their birthright. After the whole thing, she left. What touched all
of us who where there was, the woman that was insulted was just smiling and did
not say anything. Continue Reading.....................................