Wednesday 3 May 2017

2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) By Tobe Eze

2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy)

Acts 2:42—47
1 Peter 1:3—9
John 20:19—31
A story: Helping Others.
Once there was a small boy named Shankar. He belonged to a poor family. One day, he was crossing through the forest carrying some woods. He saw an old man who was very hungry. Shankar wanted to give him some food, but he did not have food for his own. So he continued on his way. On his way he saw a deer who was very thirsty. He wanted to give him some water, but he did not have water for himself. So he went on his way ahead. Then he saw a man who wanted to make a camp but he did not have woods. Shankar asked his problem and gave some woods to him. In return, he gave him some food and water. Now he went back to the old man and gave him some food and gave some water to the deer. The old man and the deer were very happy. Shankar than happily went on his way. Continue Reading

However, one day Shankar fell down the hill. He was in pain but he couldn’t move and no one was there to help him. But, the old man who he had helped before saw him, he quickly came and pulled him up the hill. He had many wounds on his legs. The deer whom shankar had gave water saw his wounds and quickly went to forest and brought some herbs. After sometime his wounds were covered. All were very happy that they were able to help each other.
MORAL: If you help others, then they will also help you.
In the first reading, the disciples were together doing things together helping each other. God loves a cheerful giver. Those who saw the signs done by the apostles were those who were living together in love. They were helping each other as in the story above. St. Peter in the second reading tells us more on the faith we have in Jesus whom we did not see. Faith starts where our reasoning stops. When we try to reason out everything in life it will be difficult for us. Why should we help each other? Am I created with three heads? Can’t he/she make effort? You think it only depend on effort. Togetherness can help. Togetherness here does not mean only staying together but doing things having your brethren in mind. Jesus came to his apostles when they were together praying, doing things and breaking bread together. Jesus came also visit us these days when we are together. Where two of more gather in my name, I am there with them. (Matthew 20:18). This Easter should be for us Easter of reconciliation, when we throw away every enmity and come together.  How pleasant when brothers are in unity.  If resolve every hatred and help one another in a lovely togetherness, things will go well with us.
This Sunday is also Divine Mercy Sunday, we should try and show Mercy to everyone we meet in our lives. God has two doors, door of mercy and door justice. We can only pass through the door of mercy. So let us show mercy to one another and God’s mercy will be upon us. He mercy is for a lifetime. His mercy leads us throughout our lives on this earth. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY

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