Acts 6:1—7
1 Peter 2:4—9
1 Peter 2:4—9
John 14:1—12
John 14:1—12
select from among you seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom,
whom we shall appoint to this task, whereas we shall devote ourselves to prayer
and to the ministry of the word." From the first reading.
the first reading, the problem of sharing food among the early Christians came
up and it was tackled immediately by choosing seven deacons to help in sharing
of food. They were chosen from among men, among their own brothers. In the
second reading, St. Peter is trying to tell us that if we should develop and
grab that identity God prepared for us. You are "a chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the
praises" of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Agbụrụ
ahọtara ahọta, ndị nchụ aja nọ na ọkwa Eze, Mba dị nsọ, ndị Chineke họtara onwe
ya anyị bụ ndị isi na ọchịchịrị kpọbata n' Ihe nke gị dị ebube. In the
Gospel, Jesus is telling us apostles of this age that he has many mansions for
us in his father’s house. Continue Reading
these things that are happening from the first reading to the Gospel are only
for those who are known for doing good things. Peter was called when he was
doing the right thing he should do by not being lazy. He was working when he
was called. After the call he made himself to be trusted by our Lord by what he
was doing also and he handed him over the mantle of leadership when he was
leaving. The seven deacons chosen today are reputable, spirit filled men. It was
because of their personalities that made them to be chosen.
question today is, what are our personalities? When people or someone is
looking for someone, can we be recommended to the person? What is identity of a
good Christian?
identity as good Christians is to imitate these men chosen for the order of
deaconate today and the apostles. It was because of their identity that they
were first called Christians in Antioch. Onwero Ihe ana-achọ na siga na abụrụ anyụrụ ọkụ.
There is no other thing required of us rather than living a good Christian
life. Ndụ anyị tosiri ịdị iche. So that people will recommend us as
the seven deacons were recommended for the work today.
the apostles knew that the enemy the devil wanted to use the problem of food
sharing to disrupt the message of life and they with the Holy Spirit brought
out solution immediately. Let us not jump into conclusions in some cases anyhow.
Let us like the apostles pray to God to show us the right way to follow. When
little problem comes your way, you will just reach conclusion immediately and
allow your faith to fall. The apostles did not allow ordinary sharing of food
to disturb the message of life. Let all those problems of ours do not bring our
faith to a fall. Someone will become eldest man in his village and it will make him to lose
his faith. My question is, will you live more than the years you have lived?
The faith that you have been guarding judiciously since your childhood is what
you will lose when you are almost on the door of death. All the apostles and
the deacons chosen did not throw away their faith when they were in difficulty,
rather they prayed to God and he showed them the way to follow. The Apostles
and thee deacons were known for good things till death and after their death.
Let us learn from them to live our lives for good. LET US BE KNOWN FOR DOING

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