Acts 8:5—8, 14—17
Acts 8:5—8, 14—17
1 Peter 3:15—18
1 Peter 3:15—18
John 14:15—21
John 14:15—21
Always be ready to give an
explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness
and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned,
those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to
shame. From the second reading.
A story by Mark Link says: An Angel
was going with fire in the right hand and water in the left hand. When the
Angel met a man, the man asked the angel what he will be doing with those items.
And the Angel replied; I will use the fire to destroy the kingdom of heaven and
water to quench the fire in the hell fire so that, there will not be any reward
for the righteous and wicked, through this he may know those who love God. This
little story will usher us in into what the first and second reading and the
Gospel are telling us today. Jesus told his disciples, “If you love me, you
will keep my commandments.” Some of claim to love God only because they need
reward from him and it is manifest in one of the names we call him. Etoo
dike na nke omere omekwa ọzọ. We no longer praise God for his good but
to receive more blessings from him. We do not do charity because it is good but
to receive after the act. We measure the charity we do with the reward we will
get in return. We always ask; How far can I go before I sin? How much can I steal
before I sin gravely? How little can I give and still satisfy my Christian
obligation? But we should focus more on; What more can I do to help? We should
ask our neighbours is there anything you need? Don’t hesitate to call me at any
time. This is the service we see when there is love. Continue Reading
As Christians, we ought to love
God and one another with all our hearts, minds, souls and bodies. This love we
talk about is a love that manifests in our daily life activities. This type of
love is the love that Philip had towards the people of Samaria. Philip went
down to Samaria (because of love) to give them the message of salvation, to
show them the way. Peter in the second reading asked us to defend our faith,
defend what we believe in with prudence. Where there is no love, prudence
cannot also be there, so, Peter on his own side is also emphasizing on that
same love. We should bear in mind that defending our faith should not be like
the Muslims who kill in other to defend their faith in Mohamed. It is a defense
done with and in love.
This love that we talk about in
the world of today, it is more theoretical than practical. People will be
parading themselves as Christians but in their hearts live all sort of evil. We
will come out to say, we Christians are known for love, we obey the
commandments of God. But to be more sincere with ourselves, we should just know
that we are obeying the commandments of gods not God. For instance; We praise
our fellow Christian before him knowing full well that the person is one the
wrong side. We will continue to tell the person, go on you are the best while
we know that the way the person is taking leads to doom. When the person fails,
then we will laugh at the one and say that he/she is a fool. This is what we do
to our leaders, when they come to visit us, we will prepare a wonderful address
showing that since the person got to the position, all our problems have gone.
After telling the person all these things, then he will go saying, OK this
people are comfortable with this situation, why do I worry about works again.
Let me gather for myself. Since they do not complain I will continue with the
little I am doing. And after we will complain about them. Tell them the truth
and shame the devil. Whether they work with it or not, just tell them the
truth. This is a practical way to show love and defending our faith. It is
difficult but we must stand on the right path. Anyị aga-egi maka mgbagbu ghara ọgụ?
Philip showed the words that he
preached to the Samaritans in his works and they followed him. Peter tells us
today, to live out the faith we profess. And Jesus himself promised us that if
we live the faith out, he and the father will come to be with us. Defending our
faith these days is no more by quoting Bible from Genesis to revelation but
after quoting, live it out. Ọbụghị soro okwu mụ esola omume mụ. It
is no more the time of telling people negidenu Chineke anya, negidenu nzọmụụkwụ ya
anya. Look unto God, look unto his footsteps. We Christians are the Gods
of today. People should have trust in us. People should follow us also. We
should be role models to people. We deceive people a lot. Metaphysis teaches us
that appearance is not reality but Christ teaches us that our appearance should
be our reality. Let our yes be yes and our no be no, anything apart from this
comes from the evil one (Matthew 5:37). Let us today learn how to live out our
faith in Christ Jesus, not only in words but more in action. ACTIONS SPEAK MORE

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