Saturday 6 May 2017

4th Sunday of Easter Year A By Tobe Eze

4th Sunday of Easter Year A (GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY)

Acts 2:14a, 36—41
1 Peter 2:20b—25
John 10:1—10
I will give you life, life in abundant (John 10:10b) this is the conclusion of today’s gospel.  From what is happening to and around us, I have questions to ask. In the first reading St. Peter did the perfect work of a shepherd by talking to the people about Jesus and bringing them to him. Second reading and the gospel are presenting to us the pure and that which is expected of us as shepherds and sheep. To follow Christ’s example, by suffering.
The questions are now. (1) Do we still have shepherds like Peter? (2) Or the sheep are no more listening and lastly? (3) Where is the life promised us? Ọbụ n’ ọkpụisi amaghị akpụ ka ọbụ agụba adịghị nkị? Continue Reading
(1). DO WE STILL HAVE SHEPHERDS LIKE PETER? The truth remains that what God promised us through the prophet Jeremiah that he will give shepherd after his own heart is still have working.(Jeremiah 3:15). The problem here may be attributed to shepherds who choose themselves not allowing God to choose them. Some claim to be shepherds chosen by God and they know deeply within them that they are deceiving themselves and the people of God. Some of them are now turning to eat the sheep they are taking care of not caring for them. (Ezekiel 34:2) This change has made it difficult for us to even notice the good shepherds chosen by God for us and those chosen by their own selves. What some shepherds do these days put us into confusion. Ngwere nile makpuru amakpu, anyị amaghị nke afor adịghị mma. Whether the shepherd is doing well or not, our hope and faith should be on God who gives us life and what to sustain the life he has given us.
(2). ARE THE SHEEP NO MORE LISTENING? In the olden days, when a chief priest talks, no one questions it. But in our world today, sheep are now telling their shepherds where they will take them to for greener pastures. What is happening? God chooses shepherds to guide his sheep to the right path, but some sheep instead of following the path the shepherd is directing them to follow or leaving it on their own, they will even prefer to draw their shepherds out from the path of life and follow them to doom. The truth here also remains that some sheep listen these days but majority do not. Once the shepherd do not talk in favour of them, they will turn against the shepherd instead of watching their lives and comparing them with what the shepherd is saying, to remove bad ones and stick to the good ones. Some even go to the extent of fighting the shepherd both spiritual and physical. A good sheep always listens to its shepherd.
WHERE IS THE LIFE PROMISED US? The life Jesus promised to give us in full is alive and active always. We are only to find that life promised us, if the shepherd and the sheep act according to the one who called them. When the shepherd does his work as shepherd in a good faith, the life promised will all be his/hers at the appointed time. When he/she directs the sheep entrusted to his care in the way God wants. When the sheep listen to the words and directions of the master. Acting according to the will of God the life will be gained.
In conclusion. Both shepherds and the sheep should obey words of God. They should know that both the sheep and the shepherd are working towards something. They should know that the office shepherd and sheep are only means not the end. All of us are striving to make heaven. The shepherd should also act according to his teachings. During deaconate ordination the bishop tells the candidate to receive the book of the word of God (not verbatim) believe what you read, teach what you believe and practice what you teach. They should not be soro okwum esona emumem. When the shepherd directs, let us also see him following the same way. And let the sheep learn how to obey. A good shepherd follows the door. Let us as good shepherds follow the door and we the sheep should be at alert to know the one that followed the door and the one that followed the window to enter for this is our problem today. We can no longer differentiate between the good and the bad shepherds because we are distracted. Let us not allow the devil to distract us again so that will can know the difference between them. Where is the life? It is in Christ Jesus. What is happening? We are missing the road. Let us go back and it shall be well with us. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY

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