Saturday, 11 November 2017

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. By Tobe

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A.

Wisdom 6:12—16
1 Thessalonians 4:13—18
Matthew 25:1—13
A famous story about how tortoise tested the wisdom of its children is what I wish to you and introduce this reflection. Tortoise called its three children, it asked the first. How many times will something happen to you and you will learn? The first one answered two times and it told it that the first one is not wise. It asked the second one the same question and it answered once and it told it that the second one is not wise. It asked the last one and it answered, that it will learn from others experience. That it will not happen to him before he will learn. The tortoise congratulated it and told it that it is very wise.

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We are to learn how to look for wisdom from all that Holy or Sacred Scripture has recorded and from the lives of our fathers and mothers in faith. We are not to wait till we are on the point of death to learn wisdom. Waiting to experience will make us not to know when rain started beating us if so, we will not also when it will stop beating us.
 In the first reading, that is taken from the book of wisdom tells us that wisdom welcomes those who want it with open handed. The second reading also St. Paul is telling us to behave like those who have faith in God. Those who believe in the resurrection Jesus has purchased for use. And lastly the gospel, urges us to be ready always.
Taking it one after the other, the first reading is talking about wisdom. The second reading is talking about faith and the Gospel is talking about readiness.
What does it require from us to get that wisdom? It is never doing extraordinary things rather doing ordinary things in an extraordinary ways. The Psalmist asked in Psalm 119:9. How can the young remain sinless? He answered it immediately by saying. By obeying the word. To get wisdom is just by obeying the word. Since our childhood, we have known what is good and what is evil to do and avoid. We are just to do good and avoid evil and we will get wisdom. When we talk about wisdom, we normally look unto elders but these days, elders are the ones deceiving us. Okenwe n' anozi n' ulo ewu amuo n' ogbiri. When you don’t do the work that is meant for you, the wisdom will leave you. Just do ordinary things in an extraordinary ways. Every age has its own work attached to it.
Faith. Sometimes we trust our reasoning to the extent of questioning our faith too much. Faith in Christ is not an easy task, so when we talk about faith, we should bear in mind that where our reasoning stops their faith starts. Believe in God and he will save you. We believe that our houses cannot fall on us while we sleep in them but we cannot believe that God who created us can save us. If we have faith in God, we will know that there is a place where we are going and there are some qualifications we have to get before going there. If we have faith we are not going to fear death rather be happy that we are meeting the master.
Being ready also does not require much from us. It is just doing what we are suppose to do as human beings. The five foolish virgins were not doing what they suppose to do and that was the reason for there predicament. Do what you suppose to do and you will enjoy it forever.

The three different things from the three different readings do not require much from us rather to just do our normal things in a normal way of life. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY

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