Saturday 10 February 2018

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Leviticus 13:1—2, 44—46
1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1
Mark 1:40—45
During the time we had Ebola saga, some left the Catholic Church for they said they have committed abomination for asking the faithful to be receiving Holy Communion with hands. Some wanted to leave but they did not summon the courage to do that. Some stopped receiving communion till the period passed. Some were receiving it grudgingly. All these are the groups that said Church should not do such thing, that Church has lost her faith in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Church is always wise and will continue to be right for Christ is always with his Church.
The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "If someone has on his skin a scab or pustule or blotch which appears to be the sore of leprosy, he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the priests among his descendants. If the man is leprous and unclean, the priest shall declare him unclean by reason of the sore on his head. It is the work of the priest to declare one unclean. These days, when a priest declares one unclean, instead of working towards making him/herself clean, the person will turn against the Church especially the priest that declared him/her unclean. Continue Reading..........................

St. Paul again in the second reading affirms the holiness and infallibleness of the Church by admonishing us not to have any problem with the church of God. Avoid giving offense, whether to the Jews or Greeks or the church of God. When the church tells you something try and obey, the church cannot deceive you.
The Gospel tells us how Christ elevated and regard his priests. Even after healing the man by himself, he referred him back to the priest. How wonderful the office of a priest is.
He said to him, "See that you tell no one anything, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them."  Jesus as God he recognized the divine office of a priest, why do we mere mortals try to play with it?
There have been many stories about people having land dispute with the church here and there, people trying to beat a priest or have beaten a priest. Psalm 105:15 says, touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. Anything you do to the church, you did it to Christ. Saul was persecuting the early Christians, when Christ met him, he told him that he was persecuting Christ himself.
There are issues church has talked about so much in many places but people still disobey. If you come to Nsukka Diocese, the issues of Onyeishi eldest person in a village has been a problem, the issue of animals in burials (cow, pig, horse etc.) and many others. The church in Nsukka Diocese brought out ways people should follow in doing all these things but our faithful still do otherwise. The general Catholic Church has talked about fake prophets but our people still follow them. To crown it all, fight the church because of them.

The Church has never deceived anyone, the teachings of the church are plain and open to all. The priest in charge of your spiritual life has the right to direct you on what to do. Like in the first reading, he tells you that you are unclean and you should accept it. Avoid making trouble with the church like in the second reading and recognize the divine office of a priest as Jesus did in the gospel and it shall be well with you. The church has the right to direct you because she does not mislead rather he gives you salvation and she is Holy. THANKS AND HAPPY SUNDAY.

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