Friday 16 February 2018


How can the young remain sinless? (Psalm 119:9)
This Lenten period is a period we all are expected to learn the virtue of remaining sinless both for the young and for the old. It is not all about promising to suffer our flesh during this Lenten season, it is about the result of the suffering and sacrifices. Some fast now but the object of their fasting, they are keeping them waiting for Easter Sunday to recover all of them. When you fast now, know that you do not supposed to recover it again rather when the fasting is over, you continue with the good things around. Take up the good things, do not look back on the things that have passed. Forget the things of the past and remember them no more (Isaiah 43:18). They are few things we have to know, they are: Continue Reading..................

1.       Planned Sin: Someone fast from food, drinks and does all sort of mortifications but still on that same state plan how to commit one or two sins. This year’s Ash Wednesday fell on the Valentine’s Day, God must have suffered on that day. Some before now, made serious resolutions that they will try to keep themselves Holy this Lenten season but they planned and acted out one sin or the other on the very day Lent started, they did one thing or the other that does or do not promote holiness of life. This is the most sacred time in the history of the church we have to keep it holy. We are to live beyond planned sins. That devil beating that decisive drum beside you, please ask it to stop and go. Every plan of sin in this Lenten season should be touched in order to get the necessary graces of this season and after this season. Every planned sins should be cancelled. No matter what it will take from you, it is the highest suffering, fasting and mortification you will or can do. If it is planned with anyone, try to bring that person or persons to God than taking them away from God through that sin. That robbing, killing, adultery, fornication, cheating, gossip, envy, evil talk, insult and all other sins planned can be replaced with many other virtues in this life.

2.       Already in it: If you are already in it, all hopes are not lost. There are many ways to return to the Lord. Just try hard and forgive yourself and seek for God’s forgiveness. Do not allow the sin to tire you down and control you. The problem some normally have is, we sometimes make Judas Iscariot our role model. What do I mean? We will commit a sin or sins, instead of forgiving ourselves and going back to God, we will conclude that, there is no hope and for that, we continue to wallow in sin. There is still hope, no matter what. Our God is the God of mercy of compassion, slow to anger and abounding in love and charity (Psalm 145:8). He is ever ready to welcome us anytime, any day we decide to go back to him. Stand up now and leave that your old self (it is still early), take up now a new self in Christ that is pleasing to God. It can pain or it pains but the joy that follows it is far better than the pain or the sorrow that you will pass through. St. Augustine regretted knowing him late. We have every opportunity to know him now both early and late. For, God ten thousand years are like a day (2Peter 3:8). It is only for us that it is late but for him, it is never late. What you will pass through and are passing through, the community of you brethren throughout the world is undergoing it (1Peter 5:9). You are not alone in the battle.
How can the young remain sinless? (Psalm 119:9)
Tear your heart and not your cloth. (Joel 2:13)
It is always easy said than done. When Lent or New Year comes, we make different ambiguous resolutions, even the ones we know that we cannot do. It is good to make the ones you can fulfill. Make vows to the Lord and fulfill them (Psalm 76:11). To tear the heart, it will not bleed but something more than that. Jesus said, “I have not come to bring peace rather strife” (Matthew 10:34). When you want to tear your heart, you will have many problems, but all of them are and will be for the glory of God and salvation of man, if you overcome all of them.
A short Story. A boy was in a serious relationship with a certain girl. They have been loving each other very well. But they have gone to the other end that they have sex at will. It happened that the boy went to represent his elder brother in a retreat that lasted for three days. The issues of friendship were treated very well there. He right there made resolution that no matter what it will cost him, that he will make amends. It happened that on the return of the boy, the girlfriend used sex to welcome him, even when he tried to resist it, it wanted to break the relationship and the boy fell back to it and all that he learnt and the resolution just ended like that. It needs extra graces to tear the heart and withstand the pain. Another similar story but with different ending. The boy maintained his ground that he will not go back to that life and it cost him that relationship. He willingly gave up the relationship so that he will build a stronger relationship with God. If your right hand or left hand will cost you your life, cut it! (Matthew 18:8)
If it is your parents that will not allow you to tear your heart, cut them! (Not killing them).
If it is your brothers and sisters, cut them!
If it is your friends, cut them!
If it is your material things, cut them!
None of us will go to heaven or hell with anyone or anything. It is on a personal basis. That is what Martin Heidegger called “Authentic Death”. It is my death, your death not our death. We came one after the other and that will be how we will return. Let us in this Lenten season tear out the evils in our hearts and embrace God’s forgiveness, mercies, love and every other good things that come from him in this holy season and we shall be saved.


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