Thursday 10 November 2016

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C By Tobe Eze

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Malachi 3:19—20a
2 Thessalonians 3:7—12
Luke 21:5—19
Today’s readings are telling us about the day that all are waiting for. The day of taking stocks is fast approaching, what will you give in return? Year of Mercy is on its close, what did you achieve? Did you experience the Mercy of God or condemnation? Any positive thing at all from it?
First reading tells us how it will look like when the day comes. And also God gives hope for all who fear him, “But for you who fear my name, there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays.” Are we fearing the Lord or the Lord fearing us? (Egwu Chukwu ọna atụ anyị ka ọ bụ Chukwu na atụzị anyị egwu?) Let us watch it. A man once died in a place. When the elders were meeting to see how the burial will be, the youth have already buried him. (Anyị eligo ya maka ikulite n' ọnwụ). “We have buried him should in case he rises from the death.” They concluded that even God is afraid of the man for his evil deeds. (Ọ bụkwa onye ụka anyị) He was our own Christian. What a shameful Christianity we practice these days. Will the son of man find faith in the world when he returns? St. Paul in the second reading is telling us about the need to work. (Aka aja aja n’ ebute ọnụ mmanụ mmanụ ọzọ Aka n’ aga n’ akụkụ ọkụ na agakwa n’ akụkụ ọnụ). It is only the hand that worked that should eat. Today, people are becoming lazier than ever existed. Anyone who do not have a white collar job makes him or herself man or woman of God. Continue Reading

 What God has seen, is seeing and will see on the people he created will be terrible. They are now forcing Jesus to call them into the ministry. Whether you like it or not you must employ me. (Ma ịchọrọ ma ịchọrọ ị ga ewem n’ ọrụ gịa) You must settle me today. Jesus must answer you today. Just get suit and tie and work will start in earnest. Imposing themselves to the people of God. Deceiving them in the name of God. We still see the effect on this USA election. One of them said that he saw woman. It may be right for Gay sees fellow man or woman as man or woman. God is still in control of the world he created. He is come to show us the way out of these fake men and women of God. (Luke 17:1-2) Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. In the world of today I don’t think this particular chapter and verse of the bible is still existing. People do not obey it any longer. Ọdịkwa egwu. The gospel of today, Jesus warns us strictly about them. They will do many things, they will say here is the life, and here is everything you need in life. They are fake.
One thing we should know in life is. Nothing good comes easily. Life is filled up with ups and down. Jesus himself started it and we cannot run away from it. Anyone who tells you that suffering or hardship is not for children of God, then know it that, that one comes from the evil one. St. Paul says we should work, Jesus told his disciples that they will suffer. Our own is it different? Is it not the same Jesus? Onwero ihe dị mma n’ abịa n’ ataghị ahụhụ. We claim to be running to life, while we swim the ocean of death. We should join one igbo musician that sang Orimiri ekwensu erila m “let the ocean of devil not eat me”. They are fake! Jesus is warning us. It must be from HORRIBLE TO HOREB. Elijah did not find himself on mountain Horeb, rather, it was horrible for him. Jesus did not give us life out of nothing. It was also horrible for him. Let us wait unto the Lord and he will see us through. HE PASSED THROUGH HORRIBLE SITUATIONS IN HIS HUMAN NATURE BEFORE HEAVEN. 

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