Saturday 11 March 2017

1st Sunday of Lent Year A By Tobe Eze

1st Sunday of Lent Year A

Genesis 2:7—9; 3:1—7
Romans 5:12—19
Matthew 4:1—11


The Lord is good, all the time. God created us with many good things. He created us and also created what we use to sustain our lives. As finite beings, we have weaknesses. These weaknesses, we know them, but sometimes as St. Thomas Aquinas said that conscience can be clouded with ignorance. We sometimes will be clouded also with ignorance or even pride will not allow us accept them as weaknesses. But rather, blame others or take others as evil or worst still use them to punish those around us. Everyone has his/her own weak point. Naturally women are seduced by what they hear and men are seduced by what they see. Generally women’s number one weakness is about hearing or listening. Continue Reading

The devil is a creature that always go with negation. He came to Eve and asked her a negative question. "Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?" Anyone who wants to get a secret from you will always come through negative way. Why did you fight? Then you will respond. I did not fight. Then again, what happened? Or Is it true that you fought yesterday? Just to know what happened yesterday. The devil asked Eve the question and caught her attention because he knew it was her weak point. She started to defend and that gave devil the footstool. From her answer, the devil penetrated more and after all succeeded in making her to sin. It is safer never to give the evil one opportunity to express itself because it may succeed in making you to sin. The devil also knew that first weakness of men is woman and he left the rest of the job for Eve. Eve projected the fruit to the sight of Adam and he also was seduced with the beauty of the fruit. Since they have been in the garden, they have not noticed that the fruit was good to the eyes till their weak points were touched by the enemy. This same thing happened to Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon. In his dream, The stone did not see any other place to strike him except on the feet that was clay. Only on the weakest part. In the Gospel the devil went to Jesus as he did to Eve. But his first failure was that he went to Jesus who was a man with words which do not seduce men easily. Secondly Jesus is true God who created that angel that degenerated to devil. Thirdly, Jesus did not give him chance. Jesus did not go in to tell him. I can make this stone to turn to bread but due to some reasons I will not do it. Sometimes we may know that act is evil or when we are trying to do something bad, but we will say let us see what will happen. Jesus himself did not give the devil chance to argue with him. Do not give the devil a footstool (enyekwala Ekwensu ohere Ephesians 4:27.) He will deceive you if you give him chance. The devil tried all he could to penetrate Jesus’ weakness without knowing that Jesus does not have weakness. He thought hunger was Jesus’ weak point or thought he is of this world, that he needed to have the earthly things. It is only contingent being that has weakness but Jesus is a necessary being not contingent being. As a man do not allow the devil to use your weakness as a drunkard, womanizer, love of money and so many of them to destroy you. As a woman also do not allow the devil to use your weakness as a gossip, too much talking, wickedness and many other vices to get you. For all of us, our weakness may fall into one or even more than one of the seven capital sins. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. We are to stand up against them not to allow the enemy to use them to destroy us and everyone around us. Walk towards leaving them, not saying that we are just mortals, we are weak. (Mmadu adịghị ike). This time around we have to be strong in Faith as St. Peter tells us in 1Peter 5:9. We should not continue to stay in our weaknesses for IT IS ONLY TRUE IT THE EVIL ONE ATTACKS US.  We can only defeat him through Grace of God. Let us ask for the Grace to resist him and to leave our weaknesses. IT IS ONLY THROUGH THE WEAK POINT. But by his Grace we shall live. Let us Remember that this is Lent. Time to go back to our Master. HAPPY SUNDAY

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