Saturday 11 March 2017

Why are you tempting me this girl? By Tobe Eze

Why are you tempting me this girl?

It was a surprise to me when my little sister came to tell me that she was waiting for me outside. And who was she? A girl I met in Facebook. Is this how this world looks like? She sent me a friend request which I accepted. From there we started to chat. From charting, she decided to know me more which I gave her my details. She also had given me her details before then. We were telling ourselves all sort of romantic words. I was thinking that all will end in Facebook but I did not know that she was up to something. I sometimes tell her “how I wish I am riding you now or even worst still I can feel my manhood deep in you. From here I can hear your voice shouting that I should take it easy. And many other erotic things that I was sending to her via Facebook messenger, thinking that all will end there. One day she said she will like to see me but I gave her thousand and one reason why she should not see me that time but she continued to disturb that she wants to see me. That appearance is not reality, my appearance in the picture is not real me that she wants to see me in person. I later agreed. We fixed a date. On that day that I was to go and meet her somewhere because I did not want her to know my house but something unavoidable came up for me that day and we did not meet. I explained to her but due to the other times I had cancelled our meeting, she could not believe what I said. Then next thing I heard was that she was waiting for me outside. Continue Reading
As a guy, I have to package. So, I packaged and asked my sister to let her in to my room. “How come?” Was my first question and first word to her. Won’t you even welcome me to your house? Was her answer to me. You are welcomed. Thanks. I went out sent my little sister to go and buy me something for her. I came back only to see her lying on my bed. I told her, “Sorry, I hate seeing people on my bed”. If you wouldn’t mind come to the sit. She apologized and sat on the seat in my room. She praised my house and everything around but all those praises were not pleasing to me. I was wondering how stupid someone can be. You have never known me for the first time, you saw me on Facebook and decided to come to my house because I made the mistake of giving you my address. You did not even mind to inform me that you wanted to come? I knew that if I had done that you would have given me reasons why I should not come, so I decided to surprise you. It was really a surprise for me. I was engrossed in thought when I heard, Hello someone is knocking at your door. It was my sister whom I sent to buy me somethings for the visitor. I collected the things she bought and thanked her and she left, leaving Edith and I in the room. I presented the things to her and asked her to feel at home. It was at this point that I asked her the main reason for her visit but she could not give something straight. She was still saying the same thing that she wanted to see me in real life not in Facebook. As my questions were becoming too much for her, she did something so strange for me. Since two weeks ago we have been living without NEPA light and this was in a hot afternoon. I asked her what she was doing and she answered me. This room is too hot, so I need to free myself from many things. I said to her, is it not good for us to go outside? And she said no that she was comfortable in the room. But she kept removing her dresses and I asked her to stop but she ignored me. I did not want people outside to know what was going on so I kept quiet. The window of my room is beside my bed. She asked me, if i would mind her coming beside the window to get fresh air. I asked her again for us to go outside but she said no that she was comfortable in the room. I told her that that was a contradiction. How can you be looking for a comfortable place for you to get fresh breeze and also telling me that you are comfortable. Why are you tempting me this girl? Who are you? But she did not talk again rather she came and joined me in the bed half naked. I was pressing my phone that time and she rushed on my back with her breasts not well covered by her bra and asked me if she can see my phone. As my body chemistry changed and reacted immediately, I gave her the phone to make sure she remove those things on my back. I thought it will end there but she continued to disturb. And I was conscious of those outside, so I could not make much noise. As my body chemistry was reacting seriously, she noticed and was exposing things worst for me. At a point I broke out and asked her. What if someone comes in and see you like this. She said OK and went and locked my door. She asked me, if it was better like that. That was when I realized that she was up to something. She started to talk. Guy why are you denying the fact that you want to have me. I thought you have been saying all things to me through Facebook, now I am here for you and you are busy pretending. As she was talking, she was removing the remaining bra and pant. Things were getting worst for me. She continued coming closer till she was rightly before me naked. I managed to ask her one more thing, what are you trying to do? But before I could finish talking, she was already opening my shirt. Before I could also realize what was going on, she had succeeded in removing my shirt and down to my jeans nicker. Immediately she unzipped my nicker, I got myself and pushed her away. Two thoughts were working in my head. One was asking me to do it and the other was asking me not to do it not for the sake of God but for the fact that I don’t know if the girl is even a human being or even if she is a human being she may be a possessed one looking for someone to damage his life. Even if she is a human being and not possessed, how can someone who has not known me before be offering herself for me to use? She must be up to something. The other thought was busy telling me that I am a man. I should show this girl that I am a man. I should enjoy the food prepared for me by fortune. As all those things were going on in my mind she came back again. Why are you rejecting me? Am I not sexy enough? What is it that you see in other women that you don’t see in me? You go out there spend your money and your time wooing a girl just for this. But I have given it to you in a platter of gold and you are rejecting it. If your friends get to here that a girl was naked before you asking you to have sex with her and you refused. Do you think they will be happy with you? They will mock you saying that you are not a man. Come on and enjoy yourself guy. Or are you not a man? Ok, let me check if you are a man. She was trying to touch my power house when I shouted stop! For her words and action were weakening my body. Making me to transcend. She stopped and dressed up. Since you have rejected me no problem. As she was about to go she said to me LUCKY YOU ARE and she disappeared. I fainted immediately and when I woke up, I was afraid and ran out from my room but luckily to me no one was outside. I went in dressed up and rested for a while to know if it was a dream or something real but after everything, I noticed that it was real not dream at all.
I continued to thank God for his love for. Everyone that I narrated the story to thanked God for me and advised me to be more watchful. It can also happen to any other person and you can also resist it. Don’t say that she seduced you, you can also win her like I did. Only ask for God’s grace and he will give it to you. I defeated her not by my power or might but by the grace of God. God is there for all of us. The Lord that did for me will do it more in a more perfect way for you. My own advice is for my fellow men, to be careful with girls of these days for they can be evil. Both social media girls and girls we see on the road. Know the kind of people you give your details to. Some of them are not human beings. They are lions in the sheep’s clothing. They are dangerous please. I am talking from experience. Know what you sent or talk to them for they may use them against you. Lead yourself not into temptation before you ask God to deliver you from all evil. But with God on our side, we shall succeed.

Thanks for reading. God bless you!


  1. Well thought out. Nice work bro

  2. I think the problem is with our messing around on social media. You were obviously the cause.
