Saturday 18 March 2017

3rd Sunday of Lent Year A By Tobe Eze

3rd Sunday of Lent; Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Exodus 17:3—7
Romans 5:1—2, 5—8
 John 4:5—42
Why is God using water today? What is he trying to tell us with water? What is water symbolizing? And lastly. What is water? I will start from the last question.
What is water? Scientifically, Water is a polar inorganic compound that is at room temperature a tasteless and odorless liquid, nearly colorless with a hint of blue. Water is a liquid that washes many dirty things to make them clean. Water cleans everything and bring it to a better state. It is a pure substance.
What is water symbolizing? For the fact that water washes everything and makes them clean, then water can symbolize 1. Cleanliness. Because of this first symbol of water which is cleanliness, God himself chose water for baptism so that men can come back to him in a pure state. Jesus himself knew the neat nature of water and changed water not any other liquid into wine in (John 4). Prophet Elisha also for the same reason asked Naman to deep himself inside water (2Kings 5:1-19). And many other places in the sacred Scripture. 2. Water is life. Even the ancient philosopher Thales recognized this and he said that the world comes from water. He judged from the fact that everything needs water for its survival. Think of plants, they need water. Think of animals and human beings, without water their will be no life. 3. Water saves. When there is fire outbreak, it is only water that can quench the fire. When evil becomes too much, water comes to wash them away and save man kind. In the case of Noah (Genesis 6:9-9:17). Continue Reading
What is God trying to tell us with water? God is trying to bring to our notice that water is an essential thing in human life. Water keeps thing and people clean both physical and spiritual (Water of Baptism). Water gives new life and brings back dead lives to life. He is trying to show us that without water creatures especially man are incomplete.
Why is God using water today? God gave the people of Israel water in the desert to revive their lives. They were thirty and demanded for that which is essential to human living. We see again in the gospel the Samaritan woman looking for what. Why this same water in the first reading coming again in the gospel? The woman of Samaria went to the well seeking for water. Jesus the living water offered himself to her to drink and never thirst again. God is using water today to tell us that he is the living water that can give us everlasting life, everlasting happiness, everlasting joy, everlasting health of mind and body and many other everlasting good things. Seek first the kingdom of God and every other things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33). Jesus is that only water that can clean us and make us clean again. Even if your sins are red like scarlet I will make you to be white as wool (Isaiah 1:18   ). It only through Jesus that we can go back to our normal holy and innocent life. Jesus as the true and living water washes us through the sacrament of reconciliation, he the water that gives life gives us life through the sacrament of Eucharist. Before every other sacraments, he has used himself as the water of baptism to make us whole. (To make us children of God). Jesus gives life in full (John 10:10b). He is the way the truth and the life (John 4:16) He is the only water that can quench our thirst. The second reading made it clear for us to understand that even when we were sinners, Christ died for us to give us that life. He saw that we are leaving the right track and came to our rescue, as it was in the case of Noah. Christ knew the condition of the woman at the well and went to give her life. Christ the living water is waiting for us to come to him and take the water of life. He knows our situations and he open handedly is waiting to embrace us. Why not come back to him today and be saved. Look for the water of life. Matthew 7:7 made it clear that if we seek, we shall find, if we knock, it will be opened for us and if we ask, it shall be given to us. Let us today seek for that water of life, knock on the door of the well of the living water and ask for the living water and we shall receive everything we need. Lenten season is a season to come back to God, let us today move back to our God, the living water. Thanks. HAPPY SUNDAY

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