Friday 17 March 2017

Morality in Abortion. By Tobe Eze

Morality in Abortion.

Moral Justification of Abortion
Abortion has acquired the status of a perennial moral problem on which scholars have formed different and, at times, conflicting opinions. In layman’s understanding, Abortion is just the act of removing or terminating pregnancy. Put differently, it is the expulsion of the foetus from the womb before it is viable, that is before it can live outside the mother. Abortion is derived from the Latin word aboriri which mean to perish. Pro-lifers see abortion simply as murder or worst still, direct killing.
Classifying abortion into two major ways may not be a mistake for some abortions happen without human aid. The two kinds of abortion are: natural and artificial abortion. Natural abortion can be termed Miscarriage. Natural abortion happens spontaneously without any medical application or the aid of anyone. This happens involuntary or unexpectedly. This type of abortion is not sinful in anyway because it is not caused by anyone, it is rather a natural occurrence. Artificial abortion on the other hand, is any type or way followed to terminate pregnancy. It may be done by medical practitioners or even through many other ways by the pregnant woman or lady. It is this type of abortion that every rational and God fearing person consider as sin. We have many types of this artificial abortion and they include: Therapeutic abortion, which the aim is to save the mother of the child in the womb. For example, if the woman has cancer of the womb, abortion has to take place so that the woman may be cured. Another is criminal abortion, this is the one that are rampart everywhere. Criminal Abortion: This is the kind of abortion done by both married and unmarried women who term their pregnancy unwanted one. They try to save themselves the shame of giving birth to a child either out of wedlock (a lady) or that it will be a shameful thing to them. Continue Reading
Arguments for Abortion.
Some said that women have the right to control their bodies: They have the right of choosing the child that will live and the one to die. They said that, women’s shape disfigures after every birth and any woman who wishes to maintain her shape and mistakenly gets pregnant has the right to terminate the child in other to maintain her shape.
Abortion as a sign of maturity: This group of people argues that abortion shows that one is now matured enough to determine what happens to her body. That the person has grown to maturity and no one controls her again. She can take any decision she wishes to take without anyone questioning her. Once you abort a child and no one questions you, then you have grown to maturity.
Abortion as a means of population control: Some families at their early days of marriage concluded a number of kids they will be needing, but due to mistake the woman takes in again, then the best way to control over population in the family is to terminate that child gotten by mistake. Some countries regulates the number of children each family is expected to give birth to, so that their population will be checked. Any family or any girl that gets pregnant after that number has been attained is expected to abort the baby.
Abortion as a means of eliminating crime: Some are of the opinion that over population without enough resources causes different types of criminal act in a locality. When there are many people without food, then the next thing is to go stealing in other to survive.
Rape as a reason for abortion: Some also argues that if a girl gets pregnant as a result of rape, she should abort the baby to prevent giving birth to another rapist through blood. Another reason is to save the girl from emotional trauma. Also to save the girl the humiliation of giving birth out of wedlock.
All these and many other reasons are people’s arguments for abortion. They show their views which are subjective to them about the life of an unborn child and the mother of the child.
Arguments against abortion.
Mother’s life is put in danger: Many have reported about the death of many women during or after abortion. A woman who engages in abortion may experiences complication such as unstoppable bleeding which is life threatening and as such may bring an end to the life of both the child and the mother. Some women are said to be barren today as a result of abortion. And this breaks many marriages these days. When a man notices that the wife is barren because of series of abortions she did when she was young, the man will just say that he is no more interested in the marriage and this may cause the man and the woman emotional or psychological problem.
Need to be responsible: People should bear in mind that every sexual intercourse done has greater percentage of resulting to pregnancy and if so, anyone who wants to indulge in sexual activity should also be responsible for anything that will come out of it. It is on this ground that I say, that no pregnancy is unwanted. In as much as you want sex you also want pregnancy. How can you love exams and hate good results. Once you love to have sex, remember that you are invariably loving pregnancy.
Good alternatives available: if a woman was raped and she finds it difficult to have and nurse a child whose father is a criminal, she should keep the pregnancy. And after birth she can give the child out to the motherless baby home for possible adoption by one of those families who are in agony of childlessness and are ready to adopt any child at their disposal. Also, a mother who thinks that she has given birth to the number she needs can also do the same.
Morality in Abortion.
Every child is a gift from God and men have no right to do away with God’s gift. Artificial abortion has no morality in it. Or in another way, Abortion has no moral justification. Man is created in the image of God. If someone comes to your house and sees the picture of your father hanging on the wall and asks you. Who is this? You will likely reply, He is my father. Which means that the picture represents your father, or more still the picture projects your father, so that anyone who sees that picture has seen how your father is. Coming to man. We are images of God. So anyone who sees us sees God. If we are representing God, anyone who kills a man has invariably killed small God. Some will argue that there are stages that life start, but I tell you from the teaching of the church that life starts during mating not even after mating. Once sexual intercourse is going on, life is taking place. So anything you do to prevent pregnancy is murder. There is no justification in Abortion. There is no Morality in Abortion. Abortion is a mortal sin no two ways about it. Come to think of it, if you were aborted? If your mother or father were aborted? It has been even noticed that many children termed unwanted are those who at last will be the life of the families they are into. Many have recorded many prominent and good people on earth as children termed unwanted. Some kill the Messiah sent to them through abortion. We should bear in mind that every disappointment is a blessing if we accept it with and in good faith. Welcome every situation you find yourself and God will bless you from there. The deed has been done so forget about it carry on and promise never to repeat it again and work towards it and life will even be better for you. In abortion, you commit many sins, first sin of fornication or adultery, second sin of murder and sin of involving others in your own sin. Lastly, many lies you will tell to cover up. Sin begets sin. So accept your mistakes and carry on with your life, abortion will not solve it, it rather makes it worse because you have no justification in committing abortion.       
  Thanks for reading God Bless you.
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