Wednesday 16 March 2022



In this article, we are going to discuss domestic violence its side effects and remedies.

Domestic violence is not something that is meted out on one gender, it’s something that affects us all.

 Domestic violence can be said to be any form of abuse or violence in a relationship between adults or adolescents. Or it can be said to be an attempt to gain dominance and control over the other by the use of force or violence. It can escalate from threats to verbal assaults to violence. And the outcome of it all which is physical injury came to be severe. It can also cause depression, emotional breakdown, and reduction of self-worth which is very bad. Continue Reading.......

We are going to look at the sign’s symptoms and side effects of domestic violence.

Feeling afraid of your partner every time.

Giving you reasons for you to be maltreated.

Subjecting you to slavery (sex slavery) or otherwise.

Humiliating and yelling at you in front of others not minding where he is.

Always takes his opinions first and sees yours as irrelevant.

Always threatening to hurt or kill you at all times.

Control or monitor where you go and what you do at all times.

The use of force to get whatever he wants from you.

Always being jealous when you saw with another if no them.

Limiting your access to your money, internet, phone, e.t.c.

These and many more which was not mentioned here are the symptoms of domestic violence.

Let’s take a look at the side effect of domestic violence.

Domestic violence is never something you can play or joke with, It has a lot of effects like:

It can easily lead to death.

It can equally lead to illness.

It can cause physical or mental disability in the person.

People suffering from domestic violence can be passing through emotional and psychological trauma.

It can lead to depression.

People suffering from domestic violence can be having anger mismanagement.

It can equally lead to committing Suicide

It can also lead to shame.

It can lead to persons indulging in alcoholism and hard drug

It can easily lead to the division of families

It can lead to regular household conflict

Abusers when caught and reported always go to jail

It can lead to children growing to learn the negative ways of handling relationship

It can lead to self-harm

People suffering from domestic violence are liable to have low self-esteem

Domestic violence causes one to have aggressive nature

People suffering from domestic violence have trouble with forming a positive relationship

People with domestic violence easily Development of phobias and insomnia

People with domestic violence are at a high risk of becoming a bully or being a target of a bully

People living with domestic violence have difficulty in solving problems

People living with domestic violence can easily Develop selfishness and a carefree attitude towards others.

Having seen the side effects of domestic violence let’s now see things we should do to curb domestic violence.

There should be sensitization and seminars on domestic violence in schools, workplaces, churches, and also parents should warn their children against domestic violence.

Create a protective environment to curb the high rate of increase in domestic violence.

Provide support for victims of domestic violence.

Provision of a law enforcement agency that will be in charge of treating cases of domestic violence.

Promoting gender equity amongst both genders.

People should stay away from people who are narcists.

Strengthen household financial security and work-family support.

Treatment and support of victims of domestic violence.

Reduction of child labor.

Observation of the law

Reduction of illiteracy

Parties must exhibit maturity and be able to tolerate each other.

Each party must obtain consent before taking certain acting like eg, having sex, usage of each other’s properties like phone and e.t.c.

Listening to religious teaching will go a long way to prevent domestic violence.

Try as much as possible to engage in productive things all the time so as not to fill your mind with unnecessary thoughts when you are alone.

Always stay with the group that helps influence your mental and physical being positively, avoid people with negativity.

At some point, try and engage with physical exercise to take away certain things from your mind.

Being a problem solver also can help in the reduction of domestic violence.

Show love and affection to one another always.

Avoid watching or listening to things that promote domestic violence.

Repot to any authority or human rights office close to you. Don’t keep quiet cause your quietness might cost you your life.

Adopt rules and dispute resolution mechanisms and talk to family members, friends, colleagues, relatives when there is a need to.

Walk away when you are in a relationship that is not working. Don’t wait until you are abused before you take a step.

Always voice out, report to the responsible authorities when there is any case of abuse or violence. Make your voice heard and shun domestic violence.

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